Chapter 53: Published

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After I spent a few days locked inside, crying and watching RomComs, I finally got myself together enough to leave Heather's and move in to my own place. I'd hired a moving company to get all of my shit from Vince's and move it in to an apartment that was in the same building as Heather's. Pretty much every day I'd wake up, walk down the five doors that separated us, and spend the day on her couch.

I was terrified of being alone because all I could do was think about Vince. At night, when I left Heather's and solemnly walked the hallway back to my apartment, I knew I was about to lay in bed for hours, tossing and turning and thinking about Vince.

I don't know which hurt worse, when I was awake and all I could think about were the bad things. Seeing him in bed with her... or watching him shrink in the rear view mirror of the taxi as I left him and our life behind in New York... or the look on his eyes back in LA when he begged me not to let him go.

Or when I was asleep and all I could think about were the good times. I'd dream of him opening the door, running in and kissing me, or holding me tightly as we snuggled in bed... only to wake up with no one there.

It was the most painful and heart wrenching few days of my life, but just when I finally thought things were starting to get easier... they took a dive off the deep end.


The phone began ringing which only amplified all of the noise coming from the apartment. Heather shot up and ran to the receiver, probably just excited to get a break from all that was going on.

"Hello?" She said exhausted, only for Tommy to hurriedly cut her off at the other end of the line with even more shouting.

"He wants to go over there Heather! I don't know how to stop him!" Tommy yelled.

"Oh God, Tommy. Do not let him out of your sight." Heather said, glancing back at me over her shoulder.

"Is he in as bad of shape as she's in??" She said, taking a stop closer to the phone and covering the receiver with her hand.

"Yeah he's tore up... He's drunk and every time I try and calm him down we end up in a literal fist fight" Tommy said aggravatedly into the phone.

"Well just keep him over there Tommy, she can't see him. Not today." Heather said quietly.

"That's a lot easier said than done! This motherfucker tried to tackle me to get out the front door earlier." Tommy said with a hint of sarcasm, but mostly distain.

"Just try, Tommy! I gotta go..." Heather said, as she heard my sobs pick up from in the living room.

She hung up the phone and slowly walked over to me, approaching carefully like I was some wild animal ready to attack.

"Hey.... it's okay.... let's just... here, let's watch TV..." Heather said softly, as she slowly approached me and grabbed the remote.

".... and just give me... that..." She tried to slip in casually, as her hands reached for the magazine I'd been clutching for the past hour.

"No." I said firmly as I twisted from out of her reach.

"Heidi, you can't just sit there and read the thing over and over. It's not healthy. Let me throw it away." She said, trading in the kind, nurturing act for some tough love.

"No-I-... I just wanna read it one more time..." I said, running my fingers over the picture of Vince and I on the front cover.

It was the magazine shoot and interview we'd done not too long ago. It had finally been published and I'd been a mess, sobbing in Heather's apartment, ever since I saw it.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu