Chapter 90: Back Home

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Vince's POV

I got to Nikki's apartment and was surprised to see Bobbi sprawled out on the couch next to him. As soon as I walked in, Nikki jumped up and came over to me, clapping me on the shoulder and walking me into the living room.

"So we've got a plan!" Bobbi said excitedly.

"A plan?" I asked, wondering what Bobbi had to do with it.

"Yes! For Axl!" She said, causing me to look over at Nikki suspiciously.

"She's a part of the plan?" I asked, hoping we'd leave her out of it so Heidi wouldn't end up finding out.

"Just listen." Nikki said with a mischievous grin on his face.

We all crowded around the phone as Bobbi dialed the number and waited patiently. The little scheme they'd cooked up actually wasn't half bad, I just couldn't believe Bobbi was down to help us.

"Hey you." She said into the phone as seductively as possible once it'd finally picked up.

"It's Amanda, the bartender from the Roxy. Ya know, blonde hair.... long legs... biggg boobs." She said, pulling the phone away from her mouth and covering it as she tried not to laugh.

"Yeah! I knew you'd remember. I definitely remember you, I couldn't take my eyes off you when your band played there last week. You were so sexy." She said, this time making eye contact with Nikki and faking like she was gagging.

"Well actually, I wanted to tell you... I've got a key to the Roxy... Meet me there in an hour. I'll be waiting for you on the bar... naked." She breathed out in a sultry tone before hanging up the phone.

We all busted out laughing as soon as it hit the receiver. Nikki tried his best to catch his breath and ask what the hell he'd said back in between laughs.

"Oh, he was eating it up. He totally bought it!" Bobbi said giggling.

The Roxy was closed during the day, but thankfully Nikki had a copy of the key from when he used to work there forever ago. We'd use it every now and then to go steal some booze.

Nikki unlocked the door and we walked into the empty bar. He was all about theatrics so he was looking around trying to decide the best way to pop out and surprise the motherfucker. All I wanted to do was get my hands on him, I didn't care for being dramatic. I just wanted to beat the shit out of him and get outta there, but whatever, I'll entertain Nikki.

We waited in two chairs sitting on either side of the door, pulled far enough away so that you wouldn't be able to see them when you first walked in. I checked my watch, figuring he should be here any minute now and then right when I looked up, I heard the bells on the front door chime as it opened.

Axl strutted in and started to walk straight over to the bar, stopping in his tracks and cocking his head to the side curiously when he didn't see anyone.

"A-Amy! Or... shit, uh... Amanda?" He yelled, walking closer to the bar.

Nikki hopped up from his chair and walked over to the front door, locking it and causing Axl to swivel around on his heels when he heard the deadbolt turn.

His face dropped in confusion when he saw Nikki... then his eyes widened and he looked like a deer caught in headlights when he looked over and saw me getting up from my chair and walking to join Nikki.

He cleared his throat and stood up straight before speaking, trying to regain his composure and play it cool.

"What do you fuckers want?" He said, pushing his sleeves up past his elbows. That right there told me he already knew what we wanted.

Angel (Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now