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"Yes Minister?" I asked suddenly a little nervous.

"I would like to get Miss Matthews away from the prison as quickly as possible. As such, I understand that you are leaving on Monday for the holidays. Am I to believe that you were planning to head home for the holiday period?"

"Yes Minister I was."

"Kingsley please. Well I wonder if it would be alright with the Headmistress if I could take you away now? I will take you home and we can await Miss Matthews there. It will give time for the Aurors to place a few security measures on the property."

"That should be fine," McGonagall smiled.

"So we are heading now?"

"Yes I think it wise we do. It will give her a chance to get settled before the others arrive to visit. Mr Nott I presume you will be visiting over the period?"

"Bloody right I am!" Theo practically shouted. 

"I thought as much. I am sorry to take Raelyn away to see her before you but I do need to show her the new security features. I assume Miss Matthews will arrive in the morning. I will personally collect you tomorrow evening Mr Nott and take you to her rather than making you get the train."

"Thank you Minister," Theo whispered on tears.

"No. I should be thanking each of you. You have saved a little girl from a fate worse than death. You should be very proud of your students Minerva."

"Oh indeed I am."

"Now Raelyn, if you could I would ask you to go and pack your bag while I speak with Professor McGonagall. Thank you everyone again. I will be in touch with each of you to arrange your meeting dates."

It was only about 10.45pm when we left the office with everyone in high spirits. As we headed up the stairs, Theo spoke up. "I cannot thank each and everyone of you enough for what you have done for Azaleah. It means more than you will ever know."

"It was a pleasure to be able to do something." Hermione smiled. 

"Well I for one think a celebratory drink is in order," Blaise smirked. "let's head back to the party and let Rae pack." He stepped forward and enveloped me into a hug. "We will see you soon," he whispered and kissed my cheek. 

Luna hugged me next and then Hermione. Pansy squeezed me tightly and whispered "you are amazing! See you soon," winked and went to join Blaise.

That left Dean who motioned for me to follow him out of ear shot of everyone. I saw Draco roll his eyes.

"It is class what you are doing for Azaleah. You are a great friend."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I will admit that it is gutting to see you with Draco. But your friendship means more to me than anything else so I hope we can be friends?"

"Of course we can."

"And I will always consider you the one that got away. Or the one I let go an idiot."

"We would never have worked out. We are too different."

"But you are Draco are-"

"More alike than you realise. I love him. I really love him."

He smiled at  that. "Just keep the snogging around me to a minimum please."

"You got it."

He waved as I joined the boys and he joined the group heading back to the party.

"Everything ok?" Draco asked.

"Perfect. He just finally got his closure I think."

"So you are still my girl?" he said it quietly so Theo couldn't hear, who was already inside the dorm room.

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