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She looked up at me again. "Draco?"

I smirked. "In the flesh. Hello again Raelyn Diggory."

She smirked, "we have to stop meeting like this."

I chuckled. "I quite like it actually. Maybe not that this is the second time I'm finding you in tears."

This girl was definietly intriguing. Last time we spoke she was so...caring. she saw past all my crap and seemed genuinely interested in what i had to say. She listened. And it was easy to talk to her. I thought about that night often.

The night I almost kissed her.

"So come on, spill. It is still about your friend?"

She sighed and thought before she answered. "No. I mean I'm still worried about her but she hasn't spoken to me in months."

"That sucks."

"Yeah it does but she has Theo so she isn't on her own."

I didn't have it in me to tell her that her friend now hung out with me and I see her everyday.

"I've seen her with Theo too," I agreed. "She looks to be OK."

"She is and that's all I care about."

"So what's the new reason for the tears?"

"'s a guy."

I suddenly had a stabbing pain in my chest. I didn't want there to be a guy.

For the first time ever I was jealous of a guy over his woman.

"Oh? Trouble in paradise?"

"Em...well..." she sighed again. "You sure you want me to bore you with this?"

I honestly wasn't sure I wanted to hear but I felt something for this girl and wanted to protect her. To protect her I needed to know what or who I was facing.

"I asked didn't I? Come on you helped me last time. Its my turn to help you."

"Alright. See I was dating this older guy for over nearly two years. To be honest it's been...well it's been nice but it's been fizzing out if I'm honest."

Happy fucking days!!! "I'm sorry."

"Well it has been for me. Actually I've been thinking of breaking up with him for a while. But about a week ago. He asked me to come and meet him. When I did he asked me to come away with him. Begged me to actually."

What a loser.

"The thing is. He has become Death Eater -"

My head snapped up at her. WHAT? Any Death Eater I'd met (and I had met most of them) has been a complete waste of space and quite violent. I couldn't imagine her with any of them.

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