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Mrs Malfoy and Draco said their goodbyes with Draco promising to be back in a few hours. It was early evening so he would be home with me before bed.

He leant down and kissed me passionately. "Take no shit from him. If he says anything give him another one of those Glasgow thingys." He winked at me and leaned back but I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him again. 

"I love you," I whispered. 

"More than all the stars in the sky. You're mine and I am yours."

"And I am going to puke," Lucas muttered.

I glared at him as Mrs Malfoy and Draco stepped into the fireplace and disappeared in green smoke.

"Great now that they are gone we can have some fun. Who wants to watch a film? I'm in the mood for romance." Lucas smiled as he moved towards me. 

"I have to write a few letters. You guys watch the film and I will be down later."

"Want some company?" Lucas asked.

"From you? Definitely not." I said as I walked out of the room and across the hall to my little library. 

"Are there other movies?" I could hear Theo ask. 

"Besides the two that you have seen love? Yes there are thousands." Azalea giggled. 

"Cool, you pick one dear." Theo said.

I closed the door and moved to a bookshelf. Truth be told I didn't have any letters to write. I just wanted away from Lucas before I cursed him. But while I was here I supposed I could write to Pansy.

I sat at the desk, taking out my personalised parchment and lifted my quill. I dipped it delicately into the ink and began.

Dearest Pansy,

I hope you are enjoying the first day of holidays. I'm sure the train ride was much quieter without Theo, Draco and I there to torture you. 

I miss you my darling. I hope you will come and visit over the holidays? You have become one of the most important people in my life after a few short months and I don't want to wait three weeks to see you again. 

You are of course welcome any time.

Azalea is doing very well. I know a lot of that is a result of the potions and elixirs she is currently taking but she looks much better. She has slept and even had Andromeda Tonk's do her hair for her. 

Everyone has been great. So patient with her. Mrs Weasley was here with me when she arrived and helped bath and feed her. She told me all about Azkaban and I am so glad she is out of that dreadful place. It's even worse than we could imagine.

You will never believe who is here to guard her now? None other than bloody Lucas. 

Pansy I have no clue what I am going to do about him. He actually tried to ban Draco from coming back (he left to go home with his mother for a few hours). I put him in his place though. But I know it will get worse. 

I am counting down the hours to he leaves again. I think I may ask the Minister to make sure he doesn't come back.

He has changed so bloody much. He is not the Lucas I knew. It makes me wonder if something happened to him. Do you think you could ask Wren for me? Please?

I know you don't see much of him since the war. He went into hiding for a bit before the final battle didn't he?

But if you do will you ask?

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