Twenty Three

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Today is going to be a rough day, because a camera crew is going to be around the hospital filming a documentary about us after the shooting.

I take deep breaths as I'm throwing my hair into a ponytail while getting ready for work.

Jackson: hey.

I see Jackson stand next to me.

Savannah: hey.

Jackson: you sure you want to be here today? You could go home.

I let out a shaky breath.

Savannah: I don't want to be here, but... I have to try.

I look across the lounge... at Reed and Charles' old cubbies.

Savannah: for them.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and I quickly rub them away.

Jackson: hey.

Jackson placed his hands on my face and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

Jackson: text me if you need me, okay? I'll come running. I don't care where I am, I'll come find you.

I give Jackson a small smile.

Savannah: hug me.

Jackson pulls me into a hug then kisses my forehead.

Jackson: I love you.

Savannah: I love you more.

I let out another deep breath before I walk out of the room.


Dr. Savannah Collins
Surgical Resident

Savannah puts on a trauma gown with Meredith and Cristina as they talk to the cameras.

Meredith: we're on trauma rotation, so it's our job to take point and assess each medical emergency as it comes in.

They move into the trauma room with Dr. Hunt. Savannah starts examining the patient.

Owen: talk to me, Collins.

Savannah: his peripheral IV's blown. Pressure's plummeting. Someone page Derek Shepherd!

Owen: v-tach! No pulse. Push one of EPI.

Meredith: starting compressions. Give me those paddles.

Everyone is talking as they try to save the patient.

Man: hold compressions. Let's see what we have.

Meredith: got a rhythm.

Man: does he have a pulse?

Cristina: yeah, but half his brain is on the floor, so...

Owen checks his heart and lungs.

Owen: that's it. He's basically brain dead.


Savannah is sitting in an interview with Cristina and Meredith.

Cristina: we, uh, we are fourth-year s-surgical residents. And, uh, we're good friends, you know, good friends.

Meredith: mm. It's pretty impossible to work this closely and not become good friends.

Savannah: I haven't known Dr. Grey and Dr. Yang as long as they've known each other, but we've become very close.

During the shooting, Dr. Yang performed emergency surgery on two colleagues at gunpoint.

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