Thirty Five

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One week

I walk into Callie's room after checking on Sofia– my goddaughter.

Savannah: hey to the hey hey!

Mark: good morning. Baby report.

Mark and Arizona share a fist bump, then I share one with her.

Mark: boom.

Arizona: I'm gonna go see her. Hey. You're awesome.

Arizona walks out of the room.

Callie: oh, gimme, gimme, gimme.

Mark shows Callie the pictures and videos.

Mark: see? She's moving her arm like she's waving. She still doesn't open her eyes, but she only stopped breathing once last night.

Savannah: and– her brain bleed is still grade 1.

Callie: good girl. She looks bigger. Is she bigger?

Bailey: alright. Some of us are still working.

Mark: okay, I have a consult. I have to go.

Savannah: me too. I have Webber's trial.

I kiss Callie on the cheek.

Savannah: one step at a time, Cal. You're doing great, sweetie.

I smile at Callie before I run out.


I'm walking around with Jackson and Webber discussing the trial, and I get a page from Cristina to Callie's room.

Savannah: um, I'm sorry, Webber, but could I be excused? It's Callie.

Webber: yeah, don't worry, Collins. Avery and I have it. You'll catch up.

I run over to Callie's room and when I get there, I see Callie sobbing while Cristina was trying to comfort her.

Savannah: hey, hey, hey. Woah. Callie, what's wrong, sweetie?

Callie: I am missing her. I'm missing her. She could die, and I'll never—

Savannah: shh, shh, shh. Callie, you need to calm down. You'll rupture your sutures.

Callie: I'm missing her whole life, Savannah! She opened her eyes, and I wasn't there! I need to see her, Savvy! I need to see my baby! Please!

Savannah: I know. I know, sweetie. But you need to calm down and lay down. We'll figure something out, okay? Please, you need to hang on a little bit longer. If not for us, then for Sofia. It's okay, sweetie.

I try my best to comfort Callie.


I decided to go talk to Stark about Callie.

Stark: I thought Dr. Bailey said Torres can't be moved yet.

Savannah: yes, sir, but since she has had no contact with the baby, I was wondering how soon we might be able to—

Stark: bring the baby to Torres?

Savannah: it would do the both of them good. If I could at least tell Dr. Torres when she—

Stark: when the baby is off the vent, when she has an immune system and can withstand the onslaught of deadly infections Dr. Torres would threaten her with, that's when. I mean, come on. I'm all for mother/baby bonding, but not when it'll kill the baby. Why do you even ask me these things, huh? I thought you were a doctor. Can't live up to your title of "greatest resident in the program" with questions like that.

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