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I'm standing in the conference room waiting to celebrate Bailey as Chief. I'm standing with Callie, Maggie and Amy as Callie talks about the new girl she's seeing.

Callie: I mean, I just– I just– I-I barely know this woman. We had, like, two dates last week. She asked to see me again tonight. It's crazy. I can't stop thinking about her. You know when you meet someone and you get that flutter that– that rush and it feels like you know them and they know you and you think to yourself, "I could stare at this person's face forever"? Do you know what I mean? Or maybe not.

Savannah: well, I was best friends with my husband and pregnant at 15 before we ever thought about being together. And I felt like that all the time with him.

Jackson winks at me, causing me to giggle.

Arizona: so I looked it up, and Bailey's the first.

Savannah: first what?

Arizona: first female chief of surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men.

Jackson: I say it's about time.

Amy: and all the department chiefs are women– neuro...

Amy points to her and myself.

Amy: cardio...

Savannah: trauma.

Owen: and a male co-chief.

Savannah: still, female chief.

Jackson chuckles at me.

Amy: Ortho... Fetal. And not to mention the trauma/neuro queen over here is a badass part owner and board member.

Callie: badass! Ladies. This place is run by ladies.

Savannah: damn straight!

Callie: it's... Ladyplace.

Maggie: no! It is not Ladyplace. Ladyplace is what my grandma calls her vagina.

I chuckle at Maggie.

Maggie: to anyone who will listen, by the way– she is not shy. No, we can't call this place Ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, sweet, raunchy, old lady's bag every time I walk through the doors.

Alex: me neither, but I will now.

I laugh at Alex.

Webber: she's coming, she's coming!

Everyone gathers together as Meredith escorts Bailey into the room. We didn't have a chance to say surprise.

Bailey: well, I'm glad to see you're all here. Uh, but if you had read your email, you would have known that one of the many things that I will be implementing as Chief is no more weekly Attendings' meetings.

Webber: uh, well, actually, this is a st—

Bailey: see, less talking about saving lives and more saving of the lives. Thank you.

I chuckle as Bailey walks out. I leave the room and make my way to the lounge to change. I walk in and I see April.

Savannah: hey, sweetie! Welcome back.

April: hey. Did I miss Bailey's party?

Savannah: it wasn't a party.

April: ohh! I couldn't stop sleeping. I think I'm fighting off a cold or it's jet lag or just sleeping in a bed. Down comforter works like morphine.

I start changing into my scrubs.

Savannah: have you talked to Jer yet?

April: he slept here last night.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now