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I'm sitting on an exam bed waiting to get my ultrasound.

Dr. Colby: hey, you two. Are we ready?

Savannah: yes. All I want to know right now is if my baby is healthy.

Jackson: and I need to know that my baby and my wife are healthy.

Dr. Colby: make sure everyone is healthy. Got it. Alright, let's do this.

I squeeze Jackson's hand as Colby starts the ultrasound.

Dr. Colby: alright, from what I can see, both mom and baby are very healthy. Movement looks very good. Baby is growing right on track for five and a half months.

Savannah: really?

Dr. Colby: yes. It's still a little early to know the gender of the baby, but we should be able to tell at your next appointment.

Jackson: but Savannah and our baby are healthy and okay?

Dr. Colby: yes, Jackson. Savannah and your baby are healthy and okay.

Savannah: okay. I should get going. April has to talk to me.

Jackson: I'll see you later.

Jackson helps me wipe the gel off my belly then I give him a kiss before I run off. When I find April, I see her fighting with Jeremy.

April: I thought you were gonna take my baby, and so—

Just then, the code pink alarm goes off.

Jeremy: did you set that off for me too?

I check my pager.

Savannah: it's for a six year old boy. Kepner, let's go. Jeremy, I love you, but you two need to sit down and have a civilized conversation.


I'm running around the halls, and I find Bailey watching DeLuca doing compressions on a patient with blood all over the floor.

Savannah: oh my god. What the hell happened?! What did you do?!

Andrew: Chief, I-I don't think she's gonna make it.

Bailey: you do not stop what you're doing.

Savannah: get us some free hands. She needs central access and multiple units of blood.

Bailey: tube's in. Call upstairs and tell them Robbins is gonna need a clear OR now! You're getting tired. Let's switch.

Bailey and DeLuca switch.

Andrew: gloves.

Bailey: who butchered this woman?

Savannah: I need cricoid pressure!

Bailey: I know this patient. This is Gretchen McKay.


Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now