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I grumble to myself as I walk back into the hospital.

Savannah: I do not deserve to be back here after the day I had. I should be at home trying to get lucky with my husband, but no, I don't deserve to have sexy time, apparently. I turn the corner and I see Arizona staring out the door. I follow her gaze and I see Callie kissing another woman.

Savannah: you know, it's not polite to stare. Especially when they're kissing.

Arizona jumps at the sound of my voice.

Arizona: oh, uh, yeah, uh...

Savannah: we need to go to the pit.

I start making my way to the ER. Callie and Arizona make it shortly after I do, and we meet up with Wilson.

Savannah: what do we got?

Wilson: 30 year old male. He and his wife were hit by a car that crashed into their house. Abdominal contusions, right upper deformity, binder applied for unstable pelvis. Grey's in there now... oh, Dr. Torres, Dr. Kepner is over by your patient.

Callie starts changing from her dress into her scrubs as Owen comes around.

Owen: Robbins, trauma one. Avery-Collins, I need you in trauma two. Torres, be– oh, you're changing clothes. You know we have Attendings lounges for that.

Callie: yeah, no time for that.

Callie gets into her scrubs then runs off to her patient. Owen looks over at me and I just shrug.

Savannah: don't look at me, sis. Come on, let's move.

Arizona: hang on, I need a resident too.

Owen: Edwards, you're with Avery-Collins. Wilson, go with Robbins.

W&E: yes [no, that's not fair].

Arizona: oh, I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that.

Wilson: sorry, but Dr. Collins hasn't lost a single patient since September, while Dr. Grey hasn't lost one since November. They are on a streak.

Owen: now!

Edwards ties up my gown.

Savannah: is that true? No patients lost since September?

Edwards: yep. And you're a trauma surgeon, so it's way more impressive than Grey's zero.

I smirk to myself.

Savannah: there's a reason they call me Queen Collins. Come on, let's move.

I walk into trauma two.

Meredith: paramedics couldn't get a line. He's hypotensive and needs fluids ASAP. We should start a central line.

Savannah: is this the husband?

Meredith: yep. Tom Vinson. His wife is next door. His BP is dropping. Let's order some o-neg.

Savannah: Edwards, I need you to start on that binder.

Edwards: on it.

Edwards starts working on the pelvis, then Tom goes into v-fib.

Savannah: he's in v-fib. Starting CPR.

I start doing compressions.

Owen: grab the paddles. Charge to 200. Charged.

I grab the paddles.

Savannah: clear.

I shock him and we get him back.

Savannah: he's back.

Meredith: his BP is not fluid-responsive. He's most likely bleeding inside. I need that ultra—

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now