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I was paged to the ER for a massive pileup, so I'm running around everywhere helping out.

Ben: Savannah. Grey needs a neuro consult.

Savannah: didn't you page Shepherd?

Ben: she went off to do another consult and won't see Grey unless her patient is critical.

Just then, I get paged to Hunt's trauma room.

Savannah: uh, Hunt needs me ASAP. I'll be there in less than ten minutes, I promise.

I run off to help Hunt.


I make my way towards trauma one for a status update on Mer's patient, and my eyes grow wide when I see Mer being thrown around by her patient.

Savannah: Mer! CALL SECURITY!

I burst into the room and try to intervene. The patient was practically a giant standing over me.

Savannah: sir, you need to—

I was roughly thrown against the wall, causing me to hit my head. I try my best to slide over to the tray and grab the sedative, but the patient grabbed me and threw me into a cabinet, causing me to hit my head on a glass door. I felt pieces of shattered glass pierce into my head as I fall to the ground. Meredith falls onto the ground in front of me as everything goes dark.

Owen's POV:

I watch as Riggs takes Savannah into the next trauma room. I step forward to help, but Webber stops me.

Webber: she's family, Hunt. Let's focus on Meredith, let Riggs do his job.

I let out a deep breath before focusing on Meredith.

Owen: trauma panel. Send blood for a crossmatch. Belly is soft.

April: bruising on the left chest. Decreased breath sounds on the left.

Ben: art line is going in. Pulse ox is down to 88.

Webber: for a trauma series. Hook up those monitors.

Owen: we need a wide bore IV.

Webber: get Ortho here. Add some left arm and leg films.

April: has anyone told the Chief?

Webber: okay, do not page her. These are two patients. We can do these two, okay? She has to handle everything else. Oh, page Robbins for Avery-Collins.

April: someone needs to call Natalie.

Owen: I'll call her.

Ben: the guy who did this– he was stable, non-aggressive. He wasn't a threat. I left for, like, five minutes, and this happens. Savannah wasn't even in the room.

Owen: he was postical. Hyper-aggression can occur after a seizure.

Webber: temporary fugue state. He won't even remember it.

April: where is he now?

Ben: restrained, and being treated next door to Sav.

Just then, Karev bursts into the room.

Riggs' POV:

Nathan: clear!

I shock her as Robbins comes into the room.

Nathan: come on, Collins. Don't do this.

Arizona: what the hell happened?

Nathan: charge again. Clear!

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now