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Christmas Eve

I'm sitting in my OB appointment with Jackson and Natalie, and I am so nervous.

Dr. Colby: alright. Are we ready?

Savannah: yes.

Jackson: yep.

Natalie: very ready.

Dr. Colby: alright. Let's get started.

I let out a deep breath as Colby squirts the gel on my belly and moves the probe around.

Dr. Colby: alright. Everything's looking good. Mom and babies are healthy, which is what we want.

My heart stops when I hear 'babies'. As in more than one.

Jackson: that's exactly what– did you say babies?

Savannah: did she say babies?!

Dr. Colby: oh, yeah. See, there's baby A and baby B right there. You guys didn't know it was twins?

I was still processing Colby's words.

Jackson: no, we didn't.

Dr. Colby: well, congrats. It's twins.

I let out a small squeak.

Dr. Colby: would you like to know the genders?

I stay silent, still in shock.

Jackson: yes.

Natalie: we absolutely do want to know.

Dr. Colby: Sav, you still with us, sweetness?

I nod my head silently.

Dr. Colby: okay. So, baby A is... a baby boy.

I manage to smile through my shock. Another boy.

Dr. Colby: and baby B is a...

I grab Jackson's hand and squeeze it tight.

Dr. Colby: baby girl.

My heart skips a beat.

Dr. Colby: alright, I'll start making some copies. I'll leave you to process. I'll be back in a bit.

Natalie walks over to me and wipes the gel off my belly as Colby walks out.

Natalie: you okay, mama?

I let out a small squeak.

Jackson: okay, how about we get these sonograms and then we head to mom's? I'm sure that'll clear your head.

Savannah: mhmm.

We wait for a few minutes then we grab the copies from Colby and leave the room. On our way out, Jackson had to check on a patient, so Natalie and I sit down at a nurses desk. As we wait, I see Kayla walk up to the desk.

Kayla: there's my favourite baby momma! How did your appointment go?

Savannah: babies.

Kayla: huh?

Savannah: there are two babies in there. Twins. A boy and a girl.

Kayla: and we're... happy?

Savannah: I am, except for the fact that I don't know if I can mother five kids. I mean, look at the people who birthed me. I had to bury their oldest son, they kicked out their pregnant teenage daughter, and they disowned their gay teenage son. What if I turn into them?

Natalie: mom, you could never. You literally turned into grandma. You're a helicopter mom just like grandma has always been with you and dad. We love you, mom. You could never be like them.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now