Ninety Two

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I'm in the ER with a patient, and Jackson comes over for a consult.

Jackson: well, I hear we have a dog bite over here.

Savannah: this is Jill and her parents, Kyle and Nicole.

Jackson: hi. I'm Dr. Avery.

Nicole signs to Jackson while Kyle translates.

Kyle: she says, "it's nice to meet you.".

Jackson: now, your dog bit you, huh? That doesn't seem very nice.

Savannah: Jill is deaf too.

Jackson: okay. Well, luckily, it's not too deep. And since it's her face, I can go ahead and stitch it right up. Nothing to worry about.

Kyle turns to his daughter and talks to her.

Kyle: he says, "don't worry.".

Jackson: that's good. Right here, okay?

I couldn't help but overhear the parents' conversation.

Kyle: we are not getting rid of the dog. She was pulling his tail. He growled to let her know he didn't like it. I know she can't hear.

Jackson: excuse me. Kyle, have you and Nicole considered a cochlear implant for Jill at all?

Kyle: yeah, we talked about it. We're not interested.

Jackson: she's the perfect candidate. She's the right age, she's healthy, and now is the time where she would get the most benefit.

Nicole signs and Kyle answers.

Kyle: yes, I told him no. It's a no. We feel very strongly about that.

Jackson: okay.

Nicole starts signing at Jackson.

Kyle: see? Now you made her yell. He didn't say anything about her being diseased. You're overreacting.

Jackson: oh, n-no, no. I-I apologize. I'm sorry.

Savannah: we understand and completely respect your decision. Let's just get your little girl all stitched up, okay?


On my way home, I find Cristina and Owen outside of the McNeil family's room.

Savannah: hey, Cris. Shouldn't you be on your way out soon?

Cristina: yeah, the parents needed a break so I offered to stay.

Savannah: look at that. Cristina Yang has a heart after all.

Cristina chuckles at me.

Savannah: Owen, I'm going home. Cathy isn't sleeping so I need to be there for her. April has the ER, but call me if you need anything. Cristina, you're gonna crush it tomorrow. Good luck.

Cristina: thanks, Avery-Collins.


Jackson and I are sitting at the dinner table eating dinner while feeding Cathy.

Jackson: and it's not like I'm insensitive to deaf culture or anything. I just don't... I don't get how, as parents, you don't want your kid to experience hearing, if they could.

I stay silent.

Jackson: what, you disagree?

Savannah: they're her parents, J. Not us.

I stand up and burp Cathy.

Jackson: yeah, well, if that was Cathy or Nat or any of our future kids, they'd be fitted for an implant three years ago.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ