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I'm laying in bed trying to sleep, and I groan when I hear my phone ring.

Me- what do you want?
Maggie- Sav, hey. It's Maggie. DeLuca dropped the charges against Alex.
Me- I had a feeling he would. Listen, don't worry about why he dropped them. Let's just move on from the situation.
Maggie- uh, okay? But why would he—
Me- Maggie. Drop. It. Goodnight.

I end the call as Jackson walks into our bedroom and gets ready for bed.

Jackson: listen, I can call mom and get her involved. We could have you reinstated tomorrow.

Savannah: nope. Everyone in that staff knows that the hospital won't last without me. When everything starts falling apart, Bailey will be begging on her knees for me to come back. But, I'm not gonna abandon my duties as a surgeon or a teacher. Give the residents and the interns my phone number and tell them to call me day or night. And tell them that if they tell Bailey or Minnick, I will march over to the hospital and fire them.

Jackson: this is why I love you. You still help others even if it's from a distance. Hey, did you hear about the meeting that was called?

Savannah: no. What happened?

Jackson: Bailey and Minnick called a meeting and sent an email to every Attending but Richard. And, well... you. No one showed up. We're making a stand.

Savannah: that's good. I fully support it. Don't forget to give the residents and interns my number. I will not let patients, especially my patients, suffer because Bailey can't do her job.

Jackson: I won't forget, love. I promise.

Jackson wraps his arms around my waist and I snuggle into his chest.

Catherine's POV:

I'm walking into the hospital with Bailey discussing the meeting.

Catherine: so, you called a meeting, and they ignored it? How many Attendings didn't show up? A few? Five? The entire staff?

Bailey: well, it was mostly the department heads. It was just their way of sending a message—

Catherine: oh, you're gonna have to send a message right back.

Just then, Jackson approaches us.

Jackson: oh, she already did. Our message was in retaliation to multiple messages from her. She suspended Savannah, for three weeks.

My jaw drops as I turn to Bailey.

Bailey: you suspended my daughter?! Do you realize the mistake you've made?! This hospital is going to fall apart!

Bailey: Avery-Collins said that we have enough money to last us the three—

Catherine: it's not just about the money. Savannah is the sole reason why this hospital runs the way it does. Because she has multiple responsibilities that keep this hospital running. I am going to call my daughter and when she gets here, you are going to reinstate her. And that's an order.


I'm walking into the hospital holding Cathy's hand while rolling Shawn's stroller. When we get into the lobby, I find Jackson.

Cathy: daddy!

Cathy released my hand and ran up to Jackson to give him a hug.

Jackson: hey, babygirl. What're you guys doing here?

Savannah: mom called me in, so I decided to bring the kids. Cathy was getting bored at home, so I figured she could come and see some of her aunts and uncles.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now