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I was pulled into surgery in the middle of the night, so I wanted to see my kids before they went into daycare.

Cathy: mommy!

Savannah: hi, babies!

Cathy clings to my leg as Jackson puts Shawn in my arms.

Savannah: hi, Mr. Sweet Face. Hi. Hi. Who's my handsome little man? You are. Yes, you are.

Cathy: mommy, daddy did my hair all wrong.

I look down and notice that my daughter's hair was in a really messy ponytail.

Savannah: oh, dear. Okay, mommy will fix it right now.

Jackson: hey! You said you liked it.

Cathy: I didn't want to hurt your feelings, daddy.

I chuckle at my daughter.

Jackson: she's turning more into you every day, I swear.

Savannah: you say that like it's a bad thing, babe.

I giggle as Jackson playfully glares at me.

Jackson: sometimes I question why I married you.

Savannah: because I'm awesome and I'm your soulmate who is actually willing to put up with you for the rest of your life.

Jackson chuckles at me.

Jackson: touche.

Savannah: okay, princess, let's fix your hair quickly. Mommy has a lot of work to do.


I'm running out to the ambulance bay with Owen, Meredith, and Helm to meet with Ben.

Savannah: what do you got, Warren?

Ben: 14 year old male, blunt abdominal trauma and a penetrating injury in his upper thigh. Bleeding from a scalp lac. I pulled him and his brother out of a house fire– chemistry experiment gone wrong.

Savannah: I just got flashbacks to high school.

I let out a small chuckle.

Tyler: did I kill my little brother? Please. He's gonna be okay, right? Mom's gonna be so mad.

Ben: lungs are clear, vitals are stable, saturating 95 in the mask. He's been coming in and out of consciousness.

Tyler: I was just trying to teach him chemistry. Can you tell my mom? That h wasn't doing anything wrong?

Owen: okay, I got him.

Savannah: trauma one?

Ben: no, Avery-Collins, you and Grey, you need to meet the other rig. His younger brother got thrown by the blast. He was bleeding out from the abdomen, and, well, one of our team, she just shoved her hand in there.

We run over to the other ambulance where we see the woman on the fire squad with the hand inside the patient's abdomen.

Everyone: do not move your hand!

Andy: see that? Grown ups.

Savannah: can you feel a pulse?

Andy: yeah.

Savannah: what do you think she's got in her hands, Schmitt?

Levi: his abdominal aorta?

Savannah: yep.

Levi: don't take your hand out!

I roll my eyes at the intern.

Savannah: what's your name?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now