Fifty Two

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I'm sitting in my office trying my best to study, but I was slowly starting to fall asleep.

Jackson: there's my pretty lady.

I look up and see Jackson walk in with a huge cup of coffee.

Savannah: hi.

Jackson: you're gonna need this, considering you didn't get sleep last night. I put an extra shot of espresso in it.

I smile as Jackson placed the cup of coffee in front of me and kisses my forehead.

Savannah: you know me so well.

Jackson: I know. Come on, we have to go to that Attendings meeting.

I let out a groan of exhaustion as Jackson grabs my hand and drags me to the conference room.

Savannah: I don't wanna.

Jackson: I know, babygirl. But you know Mark.

Savannah: do I have permission to smack your mentor today?

Jackson: yes.

We walk into the conference room, and I immediately sit down next to Derek and lay my head on his shoulder.

Derek: why do you look like a zombie?

Savannah: because I barely slept two hours last night. I was up all night studying, again. Oh, thanks again for giving me your old flash cards. Those really helped.

Derek: no prob.

I see Jackson pass around a piece of paper to the Attendings.

Bailey: "excellence is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle. Avery, what is Aristotle doing in our staff meeting, and why are you even in here handing these out. And Collins, why are you here looking like a zombie?

Jackson: you mean when I could be practicing medicine or studying for my boards? Yeah, I've asked myself that same question.

Savannah: I'll help you later.

Arizona: mmm. Mmm. This is delicious. When did Hunt bump up the doughnut budget?

I reach for a doughnut as Mark walks into the room in a suit and a Bluetooth ear piece.

Mark: as Chief, I'm a firm believer that a nice variety of baked goods is the right way to start any meeting.

Bailey: as Chief?

Derek: what are you talking about?

Everyone started talking on top of each other as I stand next to Jackson and lay my head on his chest.

Mark: okay, calm down, everyone. Dr. Hunt and Dr. Yang are down with the flu.

Aka trying to fix their marriage that is falling apart.

Mark: I'll be acting Chief in Dr. Hunt's absence. Could be a day. Could be a week. What do we got for today?

Bailey: let me get this straight. Dr. Hunt asked you to fill in as Chief– you, Mark Sloan, by name?

Mark: yes, he did.

Derek: Sav, did you know anything about this?

Savannah: why do you think I know something?

Bailey: you're Chief Resident. And you're Savannah Collins. You know everything.

Savannah: all I know is that I'm exhausted and I don't need to be here. But I believe that Mark will be a good acting Chief that will provide new challenges.

Mark: the reason you're here is because you and Avery will be with me all day. Actually, the whole time I'm Chief.

Savannah: you do realize that I'm Chief Resident, right? I don't have time to be following you around today.

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