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I'm sitting in Bailey's office trying to figure out my maternity leave, and Webber walks in.

Webber: I want to meet with the residents immediately.

Savannah: can I come? I have nothing better to do.

I walk off with Webber. I felt a little surge of pain in my stomach as I make my way into the residents locker room, causing me to wince. I let out a deep breath as I rub my stomach. I let out one more then focus on Webber.

Webber: when a bedridden patient stays in one place, what's the outcome?

Ben: bedsores.

Webber: exactly. When a surgeon stays in one place, what's the outcome?

Edwards: one of us has bedsores?

Savannah: stagnation. Complacency. A limited mind.

Webber: you have a short time to learn here, people, and you've snuggled up to your specialties like a warm, comfy bed. Well, I am your alarm clock. I'm pulling you out of bed and broadening your education. This is a resident scramble.

All the residents groan.

Savannah: knock off the attitude, or else I will assign your new services. I'd choose the hat if I were you.

Edwards picks first.

Edwards: bingo. Shepherd.

Webber: put it back!

Edwards: but I—

Webber: back!

Edwards picks a new name.


I'm on my way to surgery with Edwards by my side. On my way, I run into Mer, Maggie, Wilson and Callie.

Savannah: hey.

Meredith: hey.

Meredith: so, did you see the scans?

Callie: yeah, I'm sorry I'm late. I just got off the phone with Bauer Medical. They said that Carson's recovering well and his incision sites and flaps are doing great.

Meredith: that is great news.

Callie: yeah, Dr. Thorpe thought so too. He also thought you might have given him the wrong number.

Savannah: Thorpe?

Maggie: who is Thorpe?

Meredith: he has the right number.

Callie: oh, okay, so you're just gonna, what, ignore his calls?

Maggie: wait. Will someone please tell me what is going on and who "he" is?

Callie: Meredith exchanged numbers with a hot military surgeon over at Bauer. He says he called but radio silence.

I gasp at Meredith.

Savannah: Meredith Grey, you saucy minx!

Meredith: it's nothing.

Maggie: why wouldn't you tell me this?

Meredith chuckles.

Meredith: because it's nothing.

Wilson sits next to Meredith.

Meredith: Wilson, are you following me?

Wilson: I'm with you today. I'm on your service.

Meredith: Blake is with me.

Wilson: no, actually, all of the residents were switched.

Meredith: you need to go talk to Blake then, because I don't have the time to get you up to speed.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now