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I'm getting ready to go into work, and I'm laughing at Jackson as he's digging through camping supplies in the back of our car.

Savannah: Jackson, amore mio, I'm over eight and a half weeks pregnant. I shouldn't be going camping anytime soon.

Jackson: baby, come on. You love camping. You loved it all the time when we were kids. Especially when we did it with Shawn.

Savannah: yeah, we were kids. Not married and pregnant with twins. How about we go camping after the twins are born. We can leave them with Nat and mom, but let's wait a while. Okay? I promise we'll go.

Jackson: fine. But I'm holding you to that, babygirl.

My pager goes off as I hand Shawn over to Jackson.

Savannah: of course, my love. Okay, I have to go. I have some OD's coming in, and apparently one of them tried to run Altman and Bailey over. See you later?

Jackson: see you later. I love you.

Savannah: I love you more.

Jackson: say bye bye to mama.

Shawn: bye bye.

Savannah: bye bye, baby boy.

I kiss my son on the nose then rush off to the ER.


I'm walking around the ER, and I spot Bailey.

Savannah: Bailey, we got two more.

Bailey: two more overdoses?

Ben: mhmm.

Ben walks in with a gurney, and he handed me a bottle of orange juice as he passed me.

Ben: Jerry and Paula. Regulars. Always shooting up in the park down the street. They usually wake up with one dose of Narcan and then refuse treatment, but I've already given them three doses, and they're not responding. There's a bad batch of something out there. Sav, take this. We don't need you passing out from lack of hydration or starvation.

I smile as Ben hands me a protein bar.

Savannah: you're too good to me, Ben Warren.

Ben walks off and I get everyone's attention.

Savannah: okay, everyone, listen up. This is gonna be an all-hands on deck situation. Let's page on-call personnel. Make sure we have all the Narcan from the pharmacy to reverse the opioids. We need to be prepared for secondary injuries and side effects. And get all the residents down here. I know Dr. Grey has a very interesting surgery going on right now, but I don't pay them to sit around and watch.

Webber: I'll make sure they get down here. Where's Hunt?

Savannah: he's saying goodbye to Leo. Betty's parents are taking him. Just give him a few minutes and then we'll page him.


Everyone in the hall was bumping into each other.

Savannah: woah, woah, woah! Okay, everybody slow down. Speak to your team calmly, get what they need, and handle it. With this many people, communication is key.

I approach Parker with a patient.

Savannah: whatcha' got, Parker?

Parker: he was responding until about two minutes ago, when he started hypoventilating again.

Savannah: get him on a Narcan drip.

I walk over to Bailey and Natalie with a patient.

Savannah: how's it going, Bailey?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now