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I'm running around the house trying to leave for work, but Cathy was being really difficult.

Savannah: Catherine Luna Avery-Collins, get your shoes on right now, young lady!

Cathy: no!

Savannah: Cathy, I was supposed to be at the hospital nearly an hour ago. Please, just get your shoes on.

Cathy: no! I want sissy and daddy!

Savannah: well, your big sister is at the hospital already because she's a busy girl, and daddy got called into surgery, so you have me. Cathy, please don't argue with mommy.

Natalie: I want sissy! I want daddy!

Savannah: Catherine Luna Avery-Collins, you better get your shoes in the next 30 seconds, or else I'm not letting you go to Ella's birthday party this weekend!

Within a few seconds, I hear Cathy run into the room, now with her shoes on.

Savannah: good girl. Come on, let's go.

Jackson's POV:

I'm standing with most of the Attendings, plus Natalie, by the board where Savannah is supposed to post the rules for the contest.

Jackson: alright, so, is this maybe online or something?

Webber: no, she should be here with the rules by now.

Meredith joins the group.

Meredith: Savannah's MIA? That's not like her.

Jackson: I was pulled into surgery in the middle of the night, so she had to take care of the kids this morning.

Natalie: she just texted me not that long ago. She's pissed because your daughter was being a monster. Good luck with that.

I sigh as Natalie walks off.

Maggie: I just wish there were dates, you know, deadlines, bylaws. Guidelines are nice.

Amy: I've got five viability studies going. I need to know if I should start making panic-based decisions.

Alex: five? I don't even have one.

Meredith: you don't?

Alex: what's yours?

Meredith: shut up.

Jackson: I mean, do you guys want to know what you're gonna lose to, or do you want to be surprised? Aerosolized stem cells that provide rapid tissue coverage and epidermal regeneration without any grafting.

Meredith: spray-on skin?


I hear my husband as I approach the board.

Jackson: that's spray-on skin, ladies and gentlemen.

Jackson was the first to see me.

Jackson: oh, h-hey, babe. You, uh, you look... stunning.

I glare at my husband before facing everyone else.

Savannah: alright, here's the deal. I've had a very... very difficult morning, for a couple reasons.

I glare at Jackson again.

Savannah: and I'm about to let off some steam for a minute before I can do anything else. If anyone interrupts me, no contest rules for you. Got it?

Everyone nods their heads, then I turn to Jackson.

Savannah: why is it that your daughter can be an angel every other of the year, and she decides to be a menace today?! It took me nearly an hour– one hour, to get her shoes on and out of the house. And now, you have a grumpy five year old waiting for you in the daycare so I suggest you get your ass over there and remind that your daughter that she should listen when her mommy tells her to do something!

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now