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I'm standing by the car with the kids, and I hear sirens getting closer and closer. I see the ambulance pull up behind me, and I see a female who I remember as Vic Hughes.

Vic: Dr. Avery-Collins, did you call for help?

Savannah: I did, but down the—

Jackson: help! Over here!

Savannah: Jackson! He's down there. I don't know what happened, and I have my kids.

Vic: grab the climbing gear!

I stay close to the kids as Vic helps Jackson.

Savannah: it's okay. Daddy is gonna be okay. He's just helping people like he always does. It's okay.


While Jackson rode in the rig, I took the car to the hospital and I pull up behind them.

Savannah: Helm, take my son to daycare. Qadri, grab a wheelchair and take care of Natalie's ankle and Cathy's arm. Schmitt, grab me a trauma gown! Let's move, people! Where the hell is everyone?!

Amy: Meredith, Webber and Alex got fired, DeLuca's in jail, and Teddy's in labor.

Savannah: I go on one camping trip, and my hospital all but explodes.

One week later

I walk into Jai and Mari's room.

Link: I didn't want to, I suggested that it was the safest course of action.

Jai: but then you were wrong.

Link: but then I was a miracle worker.

Mari: after he begged you and cried.

Jai: you love me because I'm a sensitive guy.

I chuckle at the couple.

Link: alright, can we let our interns do their job now, please?

Savannah: Qadri.

Qadri: Mari Prishna, 34, seven days post-op after she was a warrior goddess and saved her husband's life.

Mari: Dr. Avery was the warrior. He saved Jai. I mean, if he hadn't come along—

Jackson: no, Mari, you caught the rope, and you held it for hours on a broken, shredded arm. You saved his life.

Qadri: we did a debridement of her wound and then put in a right humeral plate. So, today will be her brachial plexus surgery for definitive repair.


I'm in surgery with Jackson, Nico and Link, with Amy observing.

Savannah: look at the posterior cord.

Amy: I have no idea how she hung onto her husband for that many hours. I'm thinking I would have let go at about the 20 minute mark, if not sooner.

Link: sounds about right.

Amy: okay, so, clearly, we have a misunderstanding. Can we talk after surgery?

Link: I'm happy to talk now.

Nico: I'm not listening.

Jackson: and I don't care.

Savannah: I'm nosy, so I will listen.

Amy: I like you... a lot. I would like to keep seeing you. What I don't want to do is bury myself in you. You know what I mean?

Nico: no, he doesn't.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now