Eighty Six

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Jackson and I are sitting at our reception, and I had my head on Jackson's chest.

Savannah: we did it. We're married. You're my husband.

Jackson: and you're my wife.

I look up at Jackson.

Jackson: Dr. Savannah Avery. God, that sounds so damn good.

I smile as Jackson pulls me into a kiss.

Savannah: I love you, Dr. Avery.

Jackson: I love you more, Dr. Avery.

I smile as I take my husband's hand in mine.

Natalie: hi, everyone. Can I get everyone's attention, please?

I look up at Natalie and April in the middle of the dance floor.

April: hi, everyone. Hope you're enjoying yourselves. Most of you know who we are, but if you need a refresher, my name is April Kepner and I am maid of honor number two, and one of Jackson's closest friends.

Natalie: and I'm Natalie, and I am maid of honor number one and the daughter of the bride and groom. We want to thank you all for being here to celebrate my mom and dad's love. There are so many people in this room who would love to say a few words for the newlyweds. And as much as we would love to listen to everyone say how much we love these two, we decided to make a little video for the happy couple. In the video, you'll see some old videos and pictures showing their love story. So if you'll focus your attention on the screen, we can start.

Jackson and I turn a little bit to face the screen.


Gathered in Savannah's old apartment is Jackson, Savannah, 15 year old Natalie, Reed, April and Charles. They were playing Uno, and it was down to Jackson and Savannah.

Savannah: you might as well give up now, J. You can't defeat me, baby boy. I play hard.

Jackson: please. I could never lose to you, Sav—

Natalie: she kicked your ass at Scrabble last week.

Reed: and she crushed you on rounds today.

April: and yesterday—

Jackson: okay, okay, calm down. Nobody asked you, girls.

Natalie: hey, focus, Avery. It's way for fun watching you lose when you're paying attention.

Jackson: I'm not gonna lose, Nat—

Savannah: you just did, baby boy.

Jackson looks down and noticed the cards.

Jackson: wha– what– how?!

Savannah: like I said, baby boy, I play hard.

Natalie: in your face, Avery.

Natalie joins her mom as she does her victory dance.


Pictures of the original Mercy Westers flash across the screen. Their first time meeting Natalie. Savannah's birthday in their second year of residency. The crew and Natalie playing Twister in Savannah's old apartment. Charles passed out on the couch while everyone drew on his face.


Flash forward to their third year of residency. A selfie of the five Mercy Westers appear, then a video plays.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now