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I let out a yawn as I walk off the elevator.

Jeremy: hey, rockstar.

Savannah: don't talk to me unless you have coffee for me.

Then, Jeremy placed a cup of coffee in my hand.

Savannah: good boy.

Jeremy chuckles at me as he throws his arm around my shoulders.

Jeremy: rough night?

Savannah: Cathy has been congested for almost three days now, which equals almost three sleepless nights.

Jeremy: aww, poor kid. Hope she feels bettter soon.

Just then, I get a page to the ER.

Savannah: gotta go, neuro consult in the ER. Love ya!

I run off to change then run to the ER. I walk into a trauma room and grab the chart from a nurse.

Savannah: hi there, Mrs... Hunt. By chance, are you Owen Hunt's mother?

Evelyn: yes, I am.

Savannah: oh, wow. Hi. I wish I was meeting you under different circumstances. I'm Dr. Savannah Avery, your son is my mentor. Webber, page Owen and get him down here.

Webber leaves the room and I start examining Owen's mom. I notice a man from the fire department standing with her, but I didn't say anything. A few minutes later, Webber walks in with Owen.

Owen: mom! What happened?

Evelyn: for heaven's sake, Owen, shut that curtain. Everyone can see me.

Savannah: Evelyn, try not to move, okay?

Evelyn: already gave half the neighborhood a free show just by getting in the ambulance.

John: she fell in the shower right through the glass door.

Owen: did you slip? I told you you need a support bar in there.

Evelyn: oh, those things are so ugly.

John: she said she got dizzy.

Savannah: dizziness, huh? I'm not surprised with a laceration like this. You had quite a fall. I think we should get a head CT.

John: she said she was dizzy before the fall. All morning, actually.

Webber: really?

Owen: we got this from here. Thank you. You can step outside.

Evelyn: no, I want him to stay. John was with me when it happened.

Owen: I know, mom. You've been great, thank you. My mom's really grateful. But he's done his part now, mom, so...

Evelyn: no, I didn't mean since I fell. He was with me when I fell.

My eyes grow wide at the realization.

Owen: I-I-I don't understand.

John: well, I wasn't with her in the shower. I was, uh– I was making us some breakfast before I went to work. Owen, I'm John.

Owen stares at him confused.

John: as in... "John".

Owen: yeah, I-I still don't understand.

Evelyn: honey, John and I, we're—

I watch Evelyn grab John's hand.

John: I thought you told him.

Owen: told me what? Is somebody gonna tell me what the hell is going on?

Savannah: I think what your mother and John are trying to say is John is your mother's... boyfriend.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now