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Today is mom's surgery, and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I had Shawn in my arms while Natalie was holding Cathy's hand on our way to mom's room. We turn the corner and we run into Meredith.

Meredith: Sav!

Savannah: hey, Mer. What's up?

Meredith: can we talk for a minute?

Savannah: uh, sure. But we need to be quick, we're going to Catherine's room.

Meredith: I want to give you something.

Meredith takes something out of her pocket, and my heart stops when I see her holding...

Derek's ferry boat scrub cap.

Savannah: oh my god. Meredith... why are you giving this to me?

Meredith: you were his best friend in the whole world. He was your family. You deserve to have this.

Savannah: Meredith... you shouldn't—

Meredith: yeah, I should. You deserve to have a little piece of Derek.

Savannah: Mer, I... thank you.

I pull Mer into a big hug as tears well up in my eyes.

Savannah: you're a good friend.

Meredith: you too.

Natalie: mom, come on. We should get going before dad and grandma throw a fit.

Savannah: yeah, okay. Thank you, Mer. You have absolutely no idea how much this means to me.

I kiss Mer on the cheek before I walk to mom's room. I walk in and knock.

Savannah: excuse me, I have some pretty cute visitors for Dr. Fox.

Natalie walks in with Cathy while I still had Shawn in my arms.

Cathy: grandma!

I smile as Cathy runs over to mom's bed and hops onto the edge while Natalie and I stand with Jackson. Jackson takes Shawn from my arms then kisses me before giving our son to mom.

Jackson: did Koracick recheck the CT angio?

Mom: yes, and please stop.

Cathy: daddy, mommy and sissy said that we're supposed to be family today, not doctors. Dr. Tom and Dr. Amy are grandma's doctors.

Natalie: good girl, Cathy.

Mom: you tell him, babygirl. I just need you two to be my husband and son.

I see Tom come in and walk into the room with Amy.

Tom: and we need you to be our patient.

Mom: Thomas, you're getting ready to cut open my spine. I will be whatever I want.

Cathy looks up at Koracick.

Cathy: are you going to use scissors to cut my grandma's spine?

Tom: no, we're gonna use a scalpel and some other really cool tools.

Tom boops Cathy on her nose, which made me smile. Koracick is an arrogant blowhard a lot of the time, but I remember that he has a soft side, especially with kids.

Tom: now, we will go in posteriorly with our stealth system and our newly pilfered ORBEYE scope.

Amy: the plan is to go in and remove it en bloc.

Jackson: and you really think that posteriorly is the way to go?

Tom: oh, it is so fun to have so many surgeons in one family. Remind me, Avery– when did you become double board-certified in neuro?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now