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I race into Meredith's house and I find Maggie.

Savannah: hey! Don't let me forget the rings, and I called the—

I go quiet when I hear Amelia in the bathroom.

Savannah: what's going on?

Maggie: Amelia's mom. No one in the family is coming to the wedding.

Savannah: oh my god.

Amy: because I do. I'm alone. If you don't come, it is just me. Mom. Mommy, please, I am getting married. Fine. Yeah, no. Um... okay. I understand. Yeah, it's so good to know that all of the best people in this family are dead.

I hear Amelia burst into tears as she ends the call with her mother, and I couldn't help but burst into the room and close the door.

Savannah: oh, sweetie. Come here.

I pull Amelia into my arms and she starts sobbing into my chest.

Amy: why is she like this?! I'm her daughter!

Savannah: shh, shh, shh. It's okay. I'm here, Amy. This is all on her, it's not on you. Listen, I know I'm not Derek or your sisters, but I am here. You need a person today, I'll be your person. Listen, you are marrying Owen today. You are marrying him for you, not for anyone else. The only people that matter today are you and Owen. Don't forget that. This is your day, Amelia.

Amy: Owen and I will survive, right?

Savannah: yes, you will. Amy, you don't need anyone's opinion except yours. Screw them. Listen, I'm going to step out and make a phone call, okay?

I hug Amelia tight then step out of the bathroom to call Owen.


Once Owen was at the house, I lead him upstairs.

Owen: okay, where is she?

Maggie: oh, thank God.

Owen stands in front of the door and knocks.

Owen: Amelia, open the door. Amelia? It doesn't matter. If they don't want to be here, then... they shouldn't be. We don't want them. They don't get it, and they don't have to. I do. And I'll be there. And the only one I want there is you.

Amelia opens the door just a crack.

Amy: you're not supposed to see me before the wedding. It's bad luck.

Owen: I'll close my eyes. I won't see a thing. Come out, Amelia. Come out and marry me.

Amelia steps out of the bathroom and takes Owen's hands before kissing him.

Amy: okay. Go. I will see you at the church.

Savannah: I am an amazing best man.

I walk off with Owen and make my way to the church.


I'm currently at the church in my best man dress making sure everything was there.

Savannah: okay, yeah. So the tux is here, shoes there. Um, is there anything else you need?

Owen: I'll be fine.

Savannah: you okay? You having any second guesses or cold feet?

Owen: no second guesses, no cold feet.

Savannah: did you remember black socks?

Owen: uh...

Savannah: ha! I knew it.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now