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I'm at the cemetery with Amy and Meredith while Maggie was visiting her mom's grave.

Amy: I still don't get it. Why did Diane want to be buried here? She's not from here. It's weird.

Meredith: maybe so she could be close, so Maggie could do this.

Amy: what's this? I mean, what does she get out of it?

Meredith: don't ask me.

Savannah: my brother Shawn is buried just a couple hundred yards that way.

Amy: you had a brother?

Savannah: mhmm. We didn't speak for a long time after my birth giver turned him against me, then we started talking during my intern year. He died in a hit and run a couple months later. He was living in Atlanta, but I wanted him here with me. His wife agreed to it.

Meredith: when was the last time you visited?

Savannah: haven't done it for a while. I'll probably do it soon.

Amy: well, I guess it's better than the way I did grief.

Meredith: which time?

Amy: the time of the oxy binges.

Savannah: I was committed to psych by my daughter.

Meredith: I go a little dark and twisty, but then I come back.

Amy: a little dark and twisty? You disappeared. You had a secret baby.

Meredith: please don't refer to your niece as my secret baby. I mean, maybe this is what grief looks like when you've lived a whole, healthy life. You know, before anything terrible happens.

Amy: like watching your father get murdered when you're 5?

Meredith: or like watching your mother bleed out on the kitchen floor.

Savannah: or like being disowned by your parents for getting pregnant at 15.

Amy looks between Mer and I.

Amy: we're more alike than we realize.

I look up and notice Maggie walk over to us.

Maggie: come on. We don't want to be late.

Savannah: are you ready for your first day back?

Maggie: so ready.

Savannah: she's a lot like me actually.

I smile as I get in my car.


I'm in the ER picking glass out of a man's leg, and Edwards comes up to me.

Edwards: uh, hey, General consult?

Savannah: abdominal pain, bed 3.

Edwards: okay.

Edwards pulls the curtain to reveal Cross.

Edwards: good morning. Cross, you can't sleep here.

Cross: I'm not sleeping. I'm your patient.

Edwards: for real?

Edwards turns to me.

Edwards: for real?

Savannah: as Dr. Minnick would say, this one's all yours, Edwards. Enjoy.

I go back to picking out glass.


Jackson and I walk into the imaging room and join Meredith and Owen for lunch.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now