Twenty Six

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I was sleeping in Jackson's room at Meredith and Derek's house, and I was woken up to the sound of Jackson screaming.

Savannah: Jackson.

I slowly sit up and shake Jackson.

Savannah: Jackson! Sweetie, wake up. Jackson, it's me. It's Savannah. Wake up. Hey, hey, hey.

Jackson wakes up.

Jackson: Charles. Where's Charles?

Savannah: Jackson, look at me, sweetie.

I place my hands on Jackson's face and turn him towards me.

Savannah: you're safe.

Jackson leans into my chest and I kiss his forehead.

Savannah: let's get ready for work, bub.

Jackson and I get up and get ready for work. Once we were ready, we all jump into Meredith's car. April sat up front with Meredith, I sat in between Jackson and Alex, and Lexie sat in the back. It was awkward sitting in between the two guys that were in a fist fight.

Jackson: nice face.

Alex: well, at least I can do surgery. How's the hand?

Jackson: it'd be better if you hadn't run your hand into it.

I roll my eyes at the two.

Savannah: so he beats the hell out of you, and now you're laughing about it?

Alex: some of us can move on, and some of us can't.

We made it to the hospital, and I sip on my coffee as we ride the elevator to meet the Attendings in the lobby. Meredith told me that Derek got the Alzheimer's grant, so I shoot him a text.

Me: Mer told me you got the grant. Congrats, brother ❤️

Neuro God 🧠: thanks, Sav ❤️

April yawns as we approach the Attendings.

Mark: did you just yawn? Was that a yawn?

Teddy: don't tell us that you're tired after getting to sleep all day.

Mark: look at Savannah over here, she looks absolutely fantastic and ready to conquer.

Savannah: I am so ready.

April: it's not as easy as it sounds.

Bailey: not easy? Not e– when I was resident, I actually worked for a living. I did every night call for five years.

Stark: there were days that I didn't go home for 72 hours. I love it.

Alex: as you trudged through the snow while you whittled your own scalpels.

I couldn't help but snicker at Alex's comment.

Stark: sorry. I didn't quite catch that, Karev.

Bailey: uh, Karev, I need you to follow up on my post-ops. And here. Take this research. Divide out all the fistula cases.

Teddy: Avery and Little Grey, Hunt is waiting for you in the pit.

Callie: alright. Try not to screw up our patients. Goodnight and good luck.

Mark: gonna be over at the bar. Try not to need us. Savannah, can you keep an eye on my patients?

Savannah: you got it, boss.


I was in the middle of writing post-op notes when I get paged 911 by Hunt. I run down to the ER.

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