Forty Five

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I'm walking down the hall, and I hear Arizona behind me.

Arizona: Collins, ride with Karev. He and Grey are going on a baby run.

Savannah: grabbing my jacket.

I run to grab my jacket, and I run into Meredith, who didn't look too happy.

Savannah: Mer, are you okay?

Meredith: I got a call from the social worker.

Savannah: really? What did she say?

Meredith: they told us that they canceled the court hearing, and we should move on.

Savannah: oh, God. I'm sorry, Mer.

I give Meredith a hug.

Savannah: I'm here for you, Mer.

Meredith: I'm never gonna see her again.

Savannah: don't lose hope, Mer. It's gonna be okay. Hey, I need to go meet Alex. We'll be waiting.

I kiss Meredith on the cheek then I run out to the ambulance bay to meet Alex.

Alex: hey.

Savannah: hey. Did you hear about Meredith?

Alex: yeah. You?

Savannah: yeah, I just saw her. I wish I could go see Derek. As his person, I need to be there for him at a time like this.

I see Meredith coming out to the ambulance with Derek by her side. I jump out of the ambulance as Meredith jumps in.

Savannah: hey.

I pull Derek into a hug.

Savannah: I heard what happened. I'm sorry.

Derek: thanks.

Savannah: I'm here if you need me.

Derek: I'll text you.

Savannah: love you, Der.

Derek: love you, Sav. Be safe.

Savannah: don't worry.

I jump back into the ambulance and we drive off to the hospital. The room was silent for a bit.

Alex: it's probably a mistake. You know, courts– they screw up all the time. You call 'em in the morning—

Meredith: it's over, Alex. It's been over for a while. Everyone knew it. No one wants to say it.

Alex: so get– get a surrogate or whatever. You can't just write off having a family like that. Get Yang to carry a kid for you. She gets knocked up at the drop of a—

Meredith: if you don't shut up in the next three seconds, I'm gonna shove you out of the back of the rig.

I place my hand on Meredith's shoulder and we sit in silence for the rest of the ride to the hospital. When we make it to the hospital, we meet with the Peds doctor.

Alex: hey, we're here to pick up a newborn, take her to Seattle Grace.

Dr. Wagner: you're, uh, you're looking for me. I'm Jordan Wagner. I am really glad to see you guys.

Alex: yeah. I'm Alex Karev. Savannah Collins and Meredith Grey.

Dr. Wagner: okay. Uh, listen, she was born six hours ago, right away, trouble breathing. Stomach looked distended, so we put down an NG tube. But the x-ray showed that it was just cooling in her chest. We've done everything we can to keep her breathing, but it's been a struggle.

Alex: you don't have a neonatal mask?

Dr. Wagner: we're not set up for neonatal or OB. She was an emergency delivery. Otherwise, we would've sent her to the hospital in Leavenworth.

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