Back to School

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"Welcome back to the first day of school!"

Announces the principal over the loud speaker. Sitting in first period I kept to myself as everyone began going over what they did over the break. Everything in me hoped that they wouldn't bring up the carnival but as if on cue the class began to go into where they were when everything happened, and to what they all remembered. I began feeling sick and unease as I stood and walked to the teachers desk.

"Ms. Aconite." Mr. Hughes, "Is everything okay?"

"I'm just starting to feel a little under the weather, may I be excused?"

He nods as he writes a note and says, "Here you go. I hope you feel better."

Taking the note I say, "Thank you." As I turned and grabbed my stuff and headed out the class. As the morning air hit me I took a deep breath as I looked down the hall to the left, to the nurses office, and then I look to my right which was to the gate exiting the school. Looking to my left I turned right and headed out of the school. I hadn't even gotten halfway out of the school yard when I felt that familiar warm feeling that made my stomach explode in butterflies.

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked as I didn't stop nor turn around.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Harry says as he followed me.

"I'm going on an adventure." I smile as I head towards the woods in the back of the school.

"During school hours?" he says, "What happened to you loving school?"

"I still do, but," I slowed as we reached the woods, "I needed to get away for a moment."

We walked in silence for a bit until we were a fair distance into the woods. Stopping at a tree I dropped my bag on the ground as Harry drops his books along with my stuff and steps in front of me.

"Hi." He says as he searches my eyes."

"Hey." I smile as I reach out to him grabbing the sides of his sweater fisting it into my hands. Pulling him closer he leans down and brushes his lips against mine. Sighing at the moment our lips touched, he cups my cheek into his hands as he's lips part and I feel his tongue brushing against my bottom lip. We stood there for a moment just kissing when he pulls away, racing heart matching mine as he searches my eyes again, "What's the matter?"

I shake my head.

"You're lying." He says, "Your emotions are everywhere, not to mention your thoughts."

"Maybe it's because of you." I force a smile.

But he doesn't smiles, "Do I scare you?"

I shake my head quickly, "What no!"

"Then your feelings at the moment have nothing to do with me, because I'm sensing fear and worry from you." Placing his hand on my side he says, "Did someone do something to you?"

I shook my head.

"Pebbles, if someone said something to you I want you to tell me."

I shake my head, "It was nothing." I say as I look down at his shoes, "The class just started talking about the carnival and I got over-whelmed, it was nothing important."

"It obviously did do something to you if felt like you needed to leave your surroundings." He says.

I nod as I wrap my arms around his waist hugging him. Holding me back he says, "You know we still haven't talked about everything from that night."

Untamed (Sequel to Unleashed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora