Connect the Dots

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Liam POV

"So then what are we going to do?"

"We are going to go get him that's what."

Standing against the door I listened as Niall and Grimmers went back and forth. We were back at my flat, with Anna upstairs in Harry's room, doped up on herbs, brought by David who was up there with her now, to help with the gash that was on her head from the impact of her hitting the wall.

"Liam!" Grimmers yells grabbing my attention, "Are you even listening?"

"I am, but whats the use in arguing about what we are going to do when we dont know for a fact what the fuck is going on." crossing my arms I say, "We are dealing with the possiblity that Louis has either completely flipped the switch in Harry or we need to face the fact that Harry has just thrown all fucks in the air with us and is using this as a set up to get to Anna again."

"Then why play the injured wolf card? Why not go back to Louis then? Why go to her?" asked Niall.

I shake my head, "Maybe its because of there connection. Maybe its a home sense with her."

Niall shakes his head, "I doubt it. They havent attacked since Zayn. So why now? They could have gotten to her that night."

"Maybe their waiting for the summer solisitce." Grimmers say as he scratches at the stubble on his chin.

"The Summer Solistice." he says, "Its the one day out the year where a witches light is at its powerful in which some legends says it the only day where a powerful witch is at its weakest."

"Im sorry but what?" 

"Im starting to believe that you never listened when you were training in your wiccan courses."

Crossing my arms I say, "Last time I checked I was a wolf, wicca legeacies never peeked my interest."

Grimmers stiffled an roll as he says, "Oh a Summer Solistice, a witches light is at its most brightest meaning at it most powerful, but although its a power surge that is great, it rinders them defensely in the same sense. Meaning where Anna has her wolf side to balance out her witches side, that day along is harmful for her because it also threatens the ties that connects her to Harry to be serverd."

"Aren't they already serverd?"

"No, if she is still being able to feel him to an extent and also able to connect energies with him as you said that you felt last night, then he is just surpressing the connection and is just blocking her."

"When exactly is the Solistice."

"June. I believe the saturday of your last week of school."

"The graduation event." Niall says as he looks at me.

"Graduation event?"

"Daniel said for graduation that their school rents out the land we raced on and they set it up in a coachella theme where new seniors and graduationing seniors and four nearby campues, come out and party. It last from saturday to sunday."

"What type of school does shit like that?" Grimmers ask baffled as I moved to sit at the couch along with Niall.

"A school in a state that doesnt have a wide population and money to blow."

Grimmers turns on his heels and walks towards the window as he says, "I spoke to Robert the other day and he says that he never had any issues with the solisitice with Isabella, but then again she died before it came around again after Anna was born. He doesn't know what is going to happen or whats written in the stars."

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