Skating Rink

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There was yelling, then a door slamming. It didn't take long for us to hear Daniel driving out the driving way with Dad following him.

"So I'm guessing he didn't take it well?"

Charlotte, Ashton and I turned to look at David as we all say, "Shut it David."

He smiles in return as he walks over to my dresser and begins messing with my candles, "We all knew this wasn't going to end well."

"He has a point." Says Charlotte.

"That doesn't mean he needs to say it." Says Ashton.

"Shh, Robert is coming." I say after hearing footsteps.

Stepping in the doorway Robert leans against the doorframe as he says, "Your senses are good."

"No." I say, "You still walk the same."

He smiles and looks around the room, "Charlotte, Ashton, lovey to see you again."

"Likewise Uncle Robby." Says Charlotte as she catches herself and looks at me before she whispers, "Am I supposed to call him something different now?"

"No," Robert says instead, "Uncle Robby is fine."

An awkward silence passes over us as David walk over to the door and says, "As entertaining as this silence is becoming, we should probably get going."

"Going where?" I ask.


Rolling my eyes I say, "No."

"No?" Says both David, and Robert.

"Yes, no." I say again. "I wanna do something regular today."

"More regular then school?" Ask Ashton.

I nod.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ask Charlotte.

I nod, "Blake's skate night?"

She nods, "Yes!"

"Do I even want to know?" Ask David.

"Blake family owns a skating rink and tonight they are having a get together for his girlfriend Amber,  birthday." I say as lean against my dresser.

"I don't know about that." Says Robert, "You just,"

"Had another random vision that I didn't ask for nor needed and you think I should have a night out with my friends? Yes of course! That sounds amazing, we shall leave at 8." I smiled.

"Wait, I-"

Crossing the room I kissed Robert on his cheek as I say, "Thanks you're the best."

"And just like that it's like he is wrapped around her finger all over again." Laughs Charlotte.

Robert sighs as he says, "Fine, but David has to go."

"Wait what!" David starts, "I'm not going to some children get together."

"Oh come on!" I say as I link my arms with him. Ignoring the energy that instantly ran through him to me I continue, "It's teenagers, most of them seniors and it's just for fun."

"I don't know."

Looking up at him I smile as I say, "Please?"

Rolling his eyes he says, "I will be here at 8 to pick you up."

"But Har-"

"That'll be fine." Says Robert, "Come now David there is a few matters to discuss."

He nods as he takes my hand kissing it before says, "See you later love."

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