"I Need You"

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"Anna I don't wanna die."

Charlotte emotions began to pour through me as I fought to shut it off.

I can't use my magic and yet I can channel her emotions, what the actual fuck.  I thought as we stood together on the chair. The water was now at our chest level as I say, "I'm going to prop you up so you can get the bar first."

"What about you?" she asked her words shaken as the coldness from the water began to get to her.

"I'm going to swim up." Worry crossed her face as I say, "Remember Ashton taught me how to swim and I was always the best at getting to the top first from the bottom of 8 feet."

"That was a swimming pool Anna. This is deeper."

Winking at her I say, "Don't worry I got this."

The look on her face showed that she didn't trust me but she knew I was right and I needed her to be as calm as possible, even though I was freaking the hell out.

"Come on we don't have time."

Moving quickly, I went under water so Charlotte could climb on my shoulders. Slowly standing back up I take a deep breath as soon as my head comes from under the water as I say, "Its just like that game we use to play, what was it called again?"


"Yes!" I say, "When you grab the bar, think of cheer camp, remember when you had to hold those bars for a long time for hell week? Just think of it like that."

"Okay Anna." Charlotte saysas she pushes more pressure on me, reaching up she grabs the bars and pullsherself up. Hooking her arm on the bars. As soon her feet leaves my shoulders I stumbled on the chair and fell back.

"Anna! No!"


Liam POV

"Do you smell that?" I asked as soon as we shifted back to our human state.

Harry takes in a deep breath as he says, "Its blood."

"Has to be her."

He nods as he says, "Come on we are close."


Anna POV

Grabbing the chair I swam back to the top where I was as I peeped my head out taking in as much air as I could.

"Anna! Don't scare me like that!"

"I wasn't planning on it!"

Moving my legs below me I looked around.

There has to be a way out of here.

"Anna!" Charlotte yelled as I looked up to her, "You have to start calling!"

I nod as I swim back up to the chair. standing up on it I took in a deep breath as the water covered me and I swam up to where the bars were. Charlotte already had her face tilted up as she took in breaths in. Grabbing the bar next to her I pulled my up as I reached my arm up, focusing on the breeze of the air that brushed against my skin made me shiver as I could feel the power of the air coming to me.

"I feel it!" I yell at Charlotte.

"Thank god!" she says back.

Just then I water began to spill from the sides of the opening and as soon as it started was just as fast as it took for it to begin gushing in.

"Charlotte don't let go!" looking around I knew that she wouldn't be able to hold the bars for to long. Letting go of the bar I go back under water as take off my shirt and swim back up. wrapping the shirt around her wrist I tie them tight.

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