Can You See Me?

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"Can You See Me?"

The voice echoed in my head as I looked around. 

"Hello?" I called out into the night air as I took in what was around me.

Trees surrounded the area as I notice that the sky was dark, not a star, cloud, or moon in sight. The night air was filled with the smell of fire as I forced myself to walk. In horror movies, being in the woods at night was never a good thing, and unfortunately me and being in the woods at night, never have a great track record. As I walked to where I could till that the smell of fire was coming from I could feel that someone was following me. 

Putting a little pep in my walk I reached the end of the woods where I could see from a distance a small village where smoke came from. Walking closer, I pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands as I shivered from the surprising chill that still hovered in the air. 

"Where is he?" 

A voice yelled as I looked around to see a women running up. A group of women who dressed in white stood around an open fire as they looked up at the woman.

"I said where is he!" the woman shouted this time.

The women was disheveled and looks stressed.

"The doctor is on his way." one of the women in white say calmly.

"Doctor? I don't need no damn doctor! I need a priest! My son is possessed!"

Possessed? I thought to myself as I stood off to the side on a house, making sure I stayed out of sight.

"Ma'am we are doing the best that we can, and this doctor is the best that we can find."

"The fuck do you mean you are doing your best? You haven't been doing anything but standing her praying to a moon goddess hoping that she will help my child. If it was that easy do you think that I would have brought my cub to you!"


"Don't ma'am me!" the woman voice grew as she slammed her foot down, "Do you not understand what is going on! My son is being processed! And you call a damn doctor!"

I was so focus on what was going on that I didn't feel someone walking up behind me. It wasn't till a hand touched my waist that I spun around to push them back but stopped as I saw Liam.

"Easy there."

Looking around I whisper, "Why are you here?"

"You brought me here." he says his eyes searching mine, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "So far I am." looking back at the people who were talking I say, "I was pulled here."

"Is this a vision?"

"I think so."

"How do we get out of here?"

"We can't. Not until I see what I am suppose to see."

Turning back to Liam he was still staring at me. The look in his eyes were unclear. 

"Are you okay?"

He nods as he blinks a few times and looks around me, "What's going on with them?"

"Her son is possessed and they are waiting on a doctor."

"A doctor? Why not a priest?"

I shrug, "That's what she is asking."

Looking again Liam stares for a moment as he says, "Can we be seen?"

"I'm not sure."

"Then let's see."

Before I could stop him, he walks over to the ladies as he walks in front of him, and to my surprise they didn't flinch.

"We are good." he says, "Come on."

Taking a deep breath I go to walk to where he was but stopped as soon as the ladies all look up in my direction.

"Thank god! Angelica I need your help."

Looking around I was lost. 

The mother walks towards me as she takes my hand and I say, "Well holy shit."

"My son needs your help. There something is in him and I need you to get inside his mind."

"Ma'am I'm not sure-"

Pulling me towards the small hut Liam looked at me lost as he follows.

"Why are they calling you Angelica?"

"Because I'm usually her when I get pulled into these."

"What was that?" asked the mother.

"Nothing." I say shaking my head.

Walking in the room I tried to brace myself to what was to come, but nothing could prepare me for what was in front of me. 

Coming to a quick stop I looked down at the bed to see David, his hands were tied to the wooden post on his sides. He wore only shorts and he was sweating like crazy.

"David." I whispered.

"I know your not supposed to get involved with wolfs, but I need your help."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Get into his head please and pull my son back." taking my hands she stares at me with water in her eyes as she says, "Please, I'm begging you."

Looking from her to him I say, "I'll try my best."

She nods as she exit the room.

"I'm sorry you'll what?" Liam says walking to me.

"What was I supposed to do!" I snapped trying to keep my voice low, "I'm not me when I'm here. I'm her."

"So what, that means you need to do everything that she does while she is here?"

I nod as I looked at David.

"Do you even know how to get to him?"

I went to shake my head but stopped as I a image popped into my head. Rolling my eyes I say, "Yeah." turning to Liam I say, "But you can't be here."

"Why not?"

What I wanted to say was, "Because me getting into his head is me having to touch him and my touching him, makes Angelica take over." but what I ended up saying was, "Because I said you can't."

Liam stares at me for a second as he laughs and says, "Yeah okay, what's the real reason? Its not like you have to kiss him or something right."

I said nothing.


Taking a deep breath I say, "Look normally I'm good, but in my vision that involve him, Angelica takes over and I end up-"

"Oh my god, you fucked him!"

"No!" I yell.

Crossing his arms he says, "I'm not leaving."

"I can't do this with you here." 

"Well you aren't doing this without me. Just think, how much worst it could get without me. I can stop it."

He had a point.

"Fine, just stay back please."

Stepping back to the door he folds his arms as he looks at me.

Looking from Liam to David I walked to the bad and sat next to him. David shifts his weight in the bed as I slowly raised my hand to touch his face and as soon as our skins touched I could feel Angelicas pull come over me.

"Holy shit."

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