"Tell Me About Her."

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"So how's everything been?"

Although the question was so simple, it was hard to answer it. It has been a week since Harry left. Longer then we expected. Although the elders let everyone else come home I.e Nick and the rest, they made Harry stay behind, or at least that's what Liam said.

"Um, Daniel and Robert are still avoiding each other, Charlotte has been hanging with Liam." I say as I cross my legs sitting up in bed.

"And you?"

"And me what?"

"How is my girlfriend?"

Scared, confused, worried, "Fine. I've just been practicing and doing school work."

"How's David? Is he being nice?"

"David is being David." Changing the subject I say, "When are you coming back?"

"Meeting with the elders in the morning to discuss a few things." He says, "I should be back in a couple more days."

Closing my eyes I pinched the bridge of my nose as a knock sounded from the door.

"Come in." I call out.

"Good morning." Says Robert as he stands at my door.

"Good morning." I say as I look up to him.

"Can you be ready in 20 minutes?"

I nod, "Yeah, but why?"

"I have a few errands to run."


"I want you with me."

Nodding I say, "Give me 10 minutes?"

"5, and tell Harold I said hello."

"Robert says hello."

"Tell him hello." Says Harry.

"He said hello." I repeat.

"5 minutes." Robert repeats before he walks out my room.

"Looks like I have to go." I say pushing my notebook to the side.

"I'll call you later."

"Sounds good." I smile.

"To the moon and back."

"Always." A moment of silence passed as I say, "Harry wait,"


Before I could stop myself I ask, "Did you have sex with Taylor?"

There was a moment a silence. I counted till he spoke.






"What does it matter?"

My heart cracked slightly as I closed my eyes, "Your right, sorry I asked." And with that I hung up.


"Coming! " sliding on my shoes I took a deep breath and stood. Walking downstairs I met Robert at the door, "I hope you know you are buying me coffee."

"Your too young for coffee." He says as he hands me my coat.

"I've been drinking coffee since I was 8."

"With who?"

"Dad." I said.

"Unbelievable." He says as he opens the door, "Go to the car."

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