Think: Chapter Sixty: Mind Smash

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Sixty: Mind Smash

You'd positioned yourself on a nearby slab of debris, watching Shinso glide around the wreckage, using the same binding cloth technique as Mr. Aizawa. Hearts didn't mind that you asked him to go first. Although she seemed kind of disappointed that she couldn't see what you could do. She most likely noticed your hesitation, so she didn't push you further. She probably had already seen Shinso in action as they'd worked together for a short time before your arrival. It seemed you weren't the only one getting something out of the small break, however.

Shinso looked relieved to get into action, even if it didn't exemplify his quirk at the moment. You were just as content to wait to make sure your quirk was back in action after running into Kobura.

"Alright, Mindjack!" Hearts called out after some time. "Let's show Think some of what you've been able to pick up on while working with me. Shall we play a game of hide-and-seek? I'll give you plenty of time to find a good hiding spot!" Hearts finished.

Shinso landed on top of a destroyed pillar, giving Hearts a thumbs up. Hearts turned to you.

"We haven't been working long together, but Shinso is a fast learner. He's realized, just as I have, that we can't always rely on our quirks. I have to make eye-contact to activate mine and someone has to answer him to use his quirk. In that way, our quirks are limited. His quirk has been developing, mainly he's found a way to hone it through meditation, as the only person he can use it on is me while we're working together, but I've heard your quirk reacts poorly to that method of training."

"Yeah, my brain doesn't exactly like it when things are too calm." You laughed nervously.

"Mine doesn't either," Hearts said.

You raised an eyebrow at her response. "What do you mean?"

"I hated my quirk at first. It made people say things that they never wanted to divulge, even to people they trusted the most. I didn't have control over it for a long time, and it made people wary of me. I didn't have friends. How could I have had them? Would you want to be friends with someone that made you spill your deepest secrets?" Hearts smiled bitterly. "I tried to cover my eyes, even tried sunglasses that were painted black on the inside. My quirk hated it. That time in my life was the first that I was aware of how little understanding and control I had over my quirk."

You related to her story, painfully aware of the similarities to your own. Your quirk was both a blessing and a curse. Your past was mutual, lonely. Hearts watched your change in expression. She didn't seem to expect a response from you. You hoped her story had a happy ending, though you could see she was a strong, capable woman, so you knew it must have had one.

"It started small. My quirk gave me subtle warnings at first: golden tears, eye twitches, even headaches. Every time I'd deliberately shield my eyes my quirk's side effects got worse."

"How did you make it stop?" you asked, remembering your own rebellious quirk, and its multiple tantrums.

"I didn't," Hearts admitted. "I had to accept the gift I was given. I had to use my quirk so it didn't use me anymore. I wish that I'd figured that out before it hurt someone that was special to me."

You winced, shaking a little. Your quirk had more than once hurt your friends. It made you want to give up on your dream more than once.

"He was my only friend. He was one of those guys that couldn't tell a lie, and he shared way too much about himself anyway, so my quirk didn't scare him the way it scared other people." Hearts smiled, remembering her old friend. "One day, he just came up behind me, covered my eyes playfully. You know the whole 'guess who' thing? My eyes burned his fingers so bad he had to go to the hospital. It was an accident. It truly was. I didn't even know my quirk could do that. But, I realized after suppressing it for so long, my quirk had grown out of control."

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