Think: Chapter Seventy: Hashtag Villains are Trending

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Seventy: Hashtag Villains are Trending

"It's all the more reason that you should get better at using social media," Ochaco said, showing you her phone with numerous pink colored apps.

"I'm almost all the way healed up. That's why they let me out of the hospital early. There's no reason for me to be on those types of things. Besides, Aizawa literally just traded my ancient school-loan phone with this heavy block of a smartphone. It takes like ten minutes to power on, and it freezes when it detects anything strange." You showed her the new device, frowning. Unfortunately for you and Shinso, these new high-tech bricks were what you were given in response to your phones being hacked by Doku Kobura. You'd be lying if you said you were upset about it. You appreciated the extra security. You barely wanted to use your phone anymore due to the fact you could never tell the person on the receiving end wasn't Kobura. "I'm terrible at haystacks and what-not anyway," you said.

Ochaco slapped her forehead. "Don't tell me that you're talking about hashtags," she said in exasperation.

"Yeah, those." You slipped your aggressively large phone into your pocket and went back to fiddling with your boot lace. You'd have to get some new ones. The laces were wearing down to the point they might snap, then you would lose your cloud charm and panic would ensue. Better to buy them sooner than lose something important to you later.

"You know Shoto can get you a new phone," Ochaco said, pouting out her bottom lip. "The expensive one he could buy you probably has way more security than that thing the school gave you too."

"I wouldn't ask him for one. Honestly, I'd like to avoid using phones at all, considering what I've been through with them. Emergencies-only phone works fine for me."

"But, I want to take pictures with you and tag you in them!" Uraraka whined.

You straightened up from examining your boots. You put your hand out and touched her shoulder. "You're it," you said. "Go ahead and take a picture when you tag me back."

Ochaco narrowed her eyes at you. "You're hilarious," she said sarcastically.

You gave her a weak smile, rubbing the back of your head. "I'd rather spend time with you than wasting the time taking the pictures."

"You don't use any social media platforms, Kokoro?" Denki piped up, walking in with Mineta at his hip.

"No, I'll stick with my video games."

"You play video games?" he asked. He looked genuinely surprised. He smiled brightly. "We should totally play some time." He had picked up his phone from Mineta's eyesight, and Mineta huffed.

"Dude! You were in the middle of showing me that hot chick on FlikFlok! Don't pull the phone away now."

"FlikFlok?" you asked.

"It's one of those short-video apps, where you can dance, go live, take small videos, and do just about anything really," Kaminari explained. "I was just showing Mineta this girl that I follow religiously."

"She's a total babe!" Mineta chimed in.

"Emiyo Miya," Kaminari said, practically drooling when his eyes went back to the screen.

Uraraka rolled her eyes and lifted her lip in disgust. "Don't tell me that you follow her. Isn't she a so-called villain?"

"Sort of, but she's hot, so it negates the sinister stuff, you know?" Kaminari explained.

"I don't know. I think as a rising hero you should refrain from condoning such behavior," Iida said, appearing from nowhere and breaking into the conversation. "These apps and social media in general can influence an impressionable young man such as yourself rather easily. I would take great care, Kaminari, that you are not pulled over to the dark side."

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