Think: Chapter Sixty-Seven: Doku Kobura: Anything for Anna

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Warnings: This work contains mild language and violence.

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Doku Kobura: Anything for Anna

Doku Kobura had never hated someone so potently than he did Kai Chisaki, except for maybe Dabi. The fact that Kobura agreed to go with Toga and Twice to work for him temporarily was for his own gain, truly. Aside from protecting Toga and Twice, by working with Overhaul, Kobura would be able to meet with Sweet Anna again. It helped that Tomura Shigaraki asked the three to behave. As much as Kobura had been butting heads with his leader, he still respected him.

Issues arose with Kobura's plans to see Sweet Anna again. Unfortunately for him, Shouta Aizawa was making it difficult. A few steps closer to Anna, and this so-called Pro Hero, Eraserhead, began to get paranoid. It was far easier to manipulate Anna's day-to-day life when her teacher wasn't guarding her every move. It irked Kobura to have to not only bypass multiple security gates digitally, but also try to anticipate how Aizawa would attempt to keep Anna away from Kobura. A man that limited his exposure in the digital world, he was unpredictable.

Now, Kobura was reviewing Anna's schedule, which had suddenly changed again. If Kobura didn't continuously monitor what she was doing, his plans to meet with Sweet Anna, while working with the Shie Hassaiki, would never come to fruition.

Toga peered over Kobura's shoulder as he worked on his phone. She clicked her tongue, rubbing her eyes, probably because the text was scrolling too fast for her to keep up with.

"Doku, what are you doing?" she asked, holding her hands behind her head.

"Making sure we get to see the people we love," he said.

Toga's blush could have melted metal. She twirled around, excitedly skipping now. It was a wonder to Kobura how she could possibly be so chipper so early in the morning. The group had been getting used to the new surroundings. The three musketeers had shown up bright and early to the Yakuza hideout as per orders from Overhaul. Kobura knew it was because the Pro Heroes were getting ready to make their move. Kobura had already been privy to the police warrant. It had been printed late last night, according to law enforcement systems.

Twice and Toga were guarded ever since they arrived, as to be expected. They had even less understanding of why Shigaraki had asked them to help. Killing Sister Magne was Overhaul's first mistake, and Kobura would make sure it was his last. While Kobura was there, no harm would come to Toga or Twice. He'd make certain of that.

Introductions were tense. Kobura was forced to wear a mask the day of the meeting, even though he preferred one any way. Toga had to correct Overhaul on how he referred to Sister Magne. It had Kobura's venomous blood boiling. Kobura kept his distance, watching Overhaul's golden eyes as if they'd snap on him, as if he'd use Kobura's quirk for experiments too, like he'd even get the chance. If Overhaul even thought about getting that close to him, Kobura would have sliced his throat before he could remove a glove.

"Am I really going to see Deku?" Toga chirped up again, skipping down the less than aesthetically pleasing hallway. Gray, the whole place was utterly dismal.

"He's been coming since the beginning," Kobura said, frowning at his screen. "It's Sweet Anna that I'm worried about. There's been communications between her mentor and her teacher that they're trying to move her far from here. They're trying to keep her from me. I just know it."

"Ah, cheer up, Kobura. You two are fated to be together and will see each other again soon. Don't get your hopes up. There are too many fish in the sea to be caught up on one," Twice added.

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