Chapter Four

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"Travolta! Are you serious? No, you cannot be serious. Melissa you have to tell him I mean-"

"No way!" I decided to tell Abby about what I thought of Tony when I saw him. She gives me this feeling that I can trust her.

"Melissa! He is the biggest film lover of all time. I mean it. There is no situation we could be in without him comparing it to movie, a show, or him doing one of his famous impressions. You have to hear his Al Pacino."

From what I can tell, Abby is very open minded. Her clothes consist of the colors black and red. My outfit is all black today but won't be tomorrow. Abby warned me that leggings are so thin that I might as well be  wearing no pants. I draw my attention to the plaid skirt she is wearing. I won't say anything.

"Well, I would love to keep you here but since there hasn't been anything reported there's nothing else to do. Hopefully tomorrow we will have more action and go over more." I don't want to leave. I am not ready yet. 

"Let me help you, or assistant you in anything else. Or just let me be a fly on the wall so I don't have to go home?" I spoke too fast right there.

"If there's nothing for me to do that means there's nothing for you to help me with. I think now is time for us to have some fun!"

"Fun?" I'm saved.

"Oh yeah, you never have had fun the forensic way." Abby is heading towards her office holding all different wires about to go in her computer. I think I am going to have to know wires and where they need to be put. I better study that later. Shouldn't be too hard, I am always the one fixing anything technical when it goes wrong in the house.

"Can I call you Peters? It's shorter than Melissa and I like it."

"Of course."

A manly familiar voice comes from the hallway before I can take a step towards Abby's office. "Peters!" The familiar voice is now in the lab behind me.

"Well, that caught on fast. Yes, Agent Gibbs?" If there is anything, I have learned from these few hours with Abby, it's that Gibbs is the one I answer to. Tony and Ziva come in after him like bodyguards not being able to keep up with him.

"Gibbs." He demands.

"Okay, Gibbs." I force my voice not to shake.

"You're coming with me. A body of a female Naval Officer was found in the woods near her camp."

"I'll get the car boss!" Tony runs out of the lab so fast; Ziva doesn't fall far behind him.

"Wait, I'm coming with you? Don't you think I should be here with Abby so we can go over the evidence?"

Gibbs is already walking towards the door. I turn to Abby who is pushing the air behind me telling me to go with him. I have to jog to be able to keep up with this man.

"You will do that later. Ducky's assistant is running late and I need your help." My puzzled face follows him all the way to his desk. "Ducky is our M.E. DiNozzo will help Ducky while you will help Ziva and McGee."


"Special Agent Timothy McGee. You two will meet when we get there." He guides me to the elevator. I stay silent hoping that keeping my mouth shut would hide my fear. Gibbs looks at me and scans my face with his eyes. His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. How could I have not noticed them before. Those blue eyes hold memories behind them. His eyes then go down to my outfit that I have been trying to dodge questions about all day.

"Good thing you kept your gloves on."

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