Chapter Twenty Seven

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Choosing what to wear is more difficult than usual, yet somehow I manage. I pick out a tight green skirt to wear below a black long sleeve shirt. I put on lace black tights to go with my heeled boots. I think this is  Thanksgiving looking enough. I hold on to my go to purse so I don't rush out of here without it.

James and I never do anything on the holidays. I brought it up one time when I was young after the traumatic incident, it was Thanksgiving to be exact. He said something along the line of what's the point of making a buffet for twelve for only two people. That chair that he is always sitting in, that's where he sat when he told me. The difference is he is drinking water or soda instead of scotch. It hurt my little feelings for maybe a second, and then I walked down to my basement and made my own Thanksgiving. It consisted of chips, chocolate, a hot pocket, orange juice, and my closest stuffed animal friends. They were the closest things I had to friends after the incident. I didn't dare to ask about Christmas or Easter, which I never understood anyway. I just assumed we would do nothing and that's what has been happening.

I get a text from Abby letting me know she is outside my house. When I arrive upstairs I'm surprised to see that James isn't in his chair. Then I realize he went to the bathroom. I don't bother to say bye. Whether I am in the basement or out he never notices the difference of me being here or not.

When I get to the car I slide into the backseat because I knew she would be driving Tony as well. Tim didn't drive me because Abby asked me if I needed a ride right in front of him yesterday. She said she lives by Tony and that my house would be on the way. I accepted because Tim and I never talked about what happened on the ship, or what didn't happen. I want to talk about it, but I know it's better that we don't. Abby plays the same type of music she plays in the lab. Tony is shaking his head trying to get into it, but I can tell it's hard for him.

We pull up to an old-fashion house and I'm immediately in love. It's beautiful and breath taking. It's white with a wraparound porch, those are my favorite. When Abby opens the door I expect nothing less from the décor. It's not decorated for Thanksgiving, it's just Ducky's house and it is amazing. Everything about this house is old-fashioned.

Only Ducky and Jimmy occupy the house, I've missed them, I didn't see them yesterday. We exchange hugs and I join Jimmy in the kitchen to get everyone drinks. Everyone is having beers besides Ducky and I, we are having water. I know since it is Thanksgiving I would be able to balance my liquor, I am just not in the mood to drink and that's okay. I don't have to drink to have a good time.

"Melissa, I believe we have never had a one on one before." I notice that his hands are a little shaky, but I don't mention it.

"Wow, you're right. Anything you want to know?"

"How are you liking NCIS?"

I toss him the beer he wants, and he's shocked but still catches it. "It's great. Better than any other jobs I have had. the people are pretty cool too."

"That's good, that's really good." He grips his beer and watches me get the other two beers. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.

"Jimmy, I have spent time with everyone here besides you. I want to get to know you too. What's on your mind?"

He laughs nervously and takes another sip of beer for courage. "I'm sorry for acting like an idiot when I met you. I'm usually not an idiot but Dr. Mallard would probably say otherwise."

I give him a hug, so he can relax. "I don't recall you acting like an idiot. I just thought you were surprised to see someone new." He shoulders drop and he smiles. "Was that eating at you ever since we met?"

He gives me a nervous look, but we laugh it off. "Where else have you worked?"

"Oh, I have done it all: barista, waitress, grocery clerk, etc."

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