Chapter Thirty

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My leg hasn't stopped going up and down waiting for Jimmy to come to the break room. I have noticed he always comes in here no later than 3:15pm every day. It's only 3:11pm and I have all the time in the world. On my way up here, Vance told me that Gibbs went to Delaware and he will be back soon. Which means I'm in the clear to be here as long as needed.

It is now 3:30pm and I don't know where Jimmy is. I text Abby to ask if she has seen him, but she hasn't. I wait another five minutes before I start to get more nervous.

All my emotions go to my legs and I jump out of my seat to go to autopsy. Without looking or taking a second to think I bump into someone and drop my phone and iPod.

"Peters, where's the fire?" It's Tony.

"Sorry Tony." I pick up my stuff and take a seat on the floor to try and gather my thoughts.

Tony joins me on the floor. "Why so glum chum?"

"I'm not glum. I'm just looking for Jimmy, have you seen him?"

"Yeah, I saw him taking a walk outside." He gets up and gives me his hands to help me. He doesn't let go of my hands when I get up, he just stares at them.

"What?" I can't help but wonder what Tony would be worried about saying to me. Why would he jump to the conclusion that he said something that I would not be able to handle or that I would hold it over his head? Shouldn't he know by now that I would never do something like that?

He sighs and lets my hands go. "I'll take you to him."

It was easy to find Jimmy when we got outside since he was sitting on the first bench right by the doors. I signal Tony to go back inside but he is hesitant. I know he can tell something is going on, but I'm glad he respects that I know what I am doing.

I go over to Jimmy and he gives me a polite smile. I sit next to him and he stares at everyone else but me.

"Hey Jimmy."

"How are you, Melissa?"

"I'm well, you?"

"Fine." He is trying hard to look at everything else but me. I know he wants to look at me, but he is fighting it. This could only mean that he remembers the phone call.

"Listen," Finally.

"The way I ended things on Thanksgiving was wrong."

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

"I should not have been closed off or have had an attitude towards you when you had no idea why the attitude is present."

Can we rewind this really quick?

"What I am trying to say is I am sorry. I should have given you a proper goodbye like I did to everyone else."

He doesn't remember the phone call. He has no idea what he did after everyone left.

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes! I mean yes, Jimmy of course I do." I hug him, and smiles are now on our faces.

"Thank god. I got to tell you that was eating me up these past few days. You have no idea how nervous I was to bring it up to you."

I could only imagine.

We both head back inside and go our separate ways. I go to tell Abby the great news of Jimmy not remembering what he did but then someone grabs me, and I am pulled into observation.

Lips touch mine and my body is pushed against the wall. When our lips part, those green eyes that have me under their spell are looking into mine.

"What is going on with you today?"

"I told you." He kisses me in between words. "I am just very happy today."

I should be happy that I have this moment alone with Tim. Now the thought that I have to tell him what happened after Thanksgiving dinner is haunting my brain.

"Are you okay?"

Thinking about it is having me trail off and not focus on Tim. I don't want that to happen to us, so I might as well tell him now.

Right when I am about to, my phone starts to ring.




"Gibbs sent me some things to go over and I need you here."

Tim teases me with his eyes making sure to look right into mine and then stare at my neck. He starts to nip at it and I try to push him off but let's face it. Am I really trying?

"I would say bring Tim, but I don't know how well the both of you work together."

I hang up the phone and give Tim one last kiss before I go up to the lab. I don't want to let go of him and he doesn't want to let go of me. I try to keep the rest of my body away from him, so I have more control over myself. It is hard enough when his lips are touching mine and his hands are on my hips. Yet, I told myself I would not let this relationship come before this job, so I might a well not start now.

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