Chapter Twenty Three

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I've been sitting in the parking lot of NCIS for ten minutes; I knew to leave my house early because of this. Also, because I didn't want to hear my statue of a dad sit in his chair and shit on the fact I didn't go out this weekend. I go out with everyone once and I am expected to have a full social life.

I would have gone out if Abby needed me, but she didn't. I would have gone out to meet Tim to discuss what happened that night, but he didn't text or call me.  I could have reached out to him I just had no idea what to say, I still don't. He's probably feeling the same way. I still want to know what the hell this rule 12 is and why he said it in the middle of our moment.

I take a deep breath and find the courage to finally get out of my car. Also, my clock is telling me it's time to do so; I'm telling myself it's because of my own free will.

I'm lucky when I get to the lab that only Abby is there. She's in her office with the music blasting so loud that she doesn't hear me slam my stuff down on the floor. I still feel nervous because I don't know if McGee told her what happened. I don't know if he told anyone.

Abby notices me and turns off the music. She gestures her hand to the chair in front of her desk which I don't think has ever been there before. I expected a hug because that is what we always do but she doesn't budge. I sit down across from her and I can feel myself start to sweat.

"Peters do you remember Tony saying something about how it's great that you're here and everything we did was successful because of you?"

I recall Tony's speech from that night and try to block out what happened when everyone left.

"Yeah." My voice is shaky from the nerves.

"Well," she slams a pile of papers which reads everything I have done so far since I have been here, including training. "he was so right!"

Then, the Abby I have come to know, and love gets up and hugs me in the chair. "Peters, no you know what, Melissa. Melissa, you have been amazing these past few weeks and it means so much to me that you came out with us the other night. You are a part of our family now." She gives me another hug and heads for the lab.

I like that she called me Melissa. I just wish someone else called me that this weekend, or now.

I follow Abby into the lab and she shows me a picture of a tattoo. The tattoo is on somebody's arm and I believe it is a word in Chinese.

"Nice. What is it and who is it?"

"It's the Chinese word for respect and I don't know." She goes over to her computer that I can't remember the name. I'm not talking about the type of computer I'm talking about what she named her or him.

"This tattoo was found on a gang member who was murdered years ago. The gang doesn't go by the word respect, just the symbol." She opens her emails and sighs at the fact she has no new ones.

"Because the murder happened to a gang member the police weren't exactly in a rush to find the murderer. It's sad and messed up but it's true."

A mug shot pops up on the monitor. "This is him, Al Chen. He wasn't the boss of the gang more of someone who was loyal but didn't want to be a part of it, at least that's what some of the people in the town said."

The computer makes a ding and Abby jumps in excitement. I read who it's from and it's Tim. Abby doesn't notice my smile fall and opens the attachment. It's another photo of the tattoo on somebody else's body.

"This tattoo was found on the body of marine yesterday. He told people he was turning in early the night before. The next day they found him with a plastic bag over his face."

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