Chapter 100

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I wake up to my best friend still in a deep sleep. When I look on the other side of the room, Adam is still sleeping as well. For sleeping on a cot, it wasn't that bad. Then, again I've been sleeping on the floor, so my judgement may be fogged. The pillows weren't so bad either. Sean sleeps with two, I sleep with one usually. I should change that because my neck feels great.

I check my phone to see the time and it's eight in the morning, right on the dot.

Also, I see that I got a text from Tim.

"Hey. What's it like texting on the new phone?"

I carefully lift myself out of his bed without touching him and without moving the bed too much. I look back to make sure he didn't wake up. I was successful.

"Weird. Are you here?"

I fix myself as much as I can without a mirror. I want to take all this in. These purple walls that holds two cots on the opposite sides. The dresser that isn't big enough for two people, but they made it work. The doorway that's also painting purple that I've stood in many times waiting them to greet me.

Adam starts to turn his body. I think I wake him, but he was just getting more comfortable in his sleep.

I wish I did that. I'll wake up with a killer shoulder because I was laying on it for too long. My body doesn't subconscious tell me to move.

A figure steps into the doorway.

I tiptoe over to it to make sure the boys still stay asleep.

"Hey handsome." I whisper. I look around to see if anyone is around. When I see no one, I place a kiss on his lips.

"Hey baby. I missed you last night."

I smile and lean into him. I missed him too. I was too preoccupied with the boys to really think about it.

"How was last night?" He asks. "No funny business I hope."

He says that in a joking tone, but I know he means it.

"No funny business. Just talking. It was nice. We were finally able to catch up after months of us being together."

He shakes his head. "Did you tell him about... you know, us?"

"No, I didn't think it was a good idea. He's always here and anyone could be listening." I give him a playful push.

I look back at the boys and see they're the same as before.

"Do you know the plan for today?" I don't want to think about it, but I don't have a choice now. Today's the day that they're going to leave me. I wonder if they're dreaming about it. I hope not. They deserve a break for this horrible mess.

"They leave at ten today."

Ten? That's so early. "I thought their flight was at 12?"

"It is but we have to get them to the plane to take them where they're going."

I give him a hug before I go back in there to wake them up.

"Abby and Ziva went out this morning to get them breakfast. We have a feast for them waiting in the break room."

"That's sweet." I give him a peck on the cheek and make my way back in.

I wake Adam up by shaking him a little bit. He doesn't budge until I shake him the third time.

"Five more minutes." He mumbles.

I laugh and make my way over to Sean. I lean down so my face is next to his. I shake him the same way as I did to Adam. He wakes up immediately.

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