Chapter 80

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"Peters, you go any faster you're going to go through the wall." I'm in the gym with Tony. I guess it's his turn to babysit me while the case goes on. I've been on the tread mill for 30 minutes at a decent speed. Tony is leaning on his, flipping through a Life magazine.

The case has been going on for two weeks and they have nothing. There was another murder that happened to a Marine, the same way it happened to John. They body was in the same position and the gun was in the dominate hand. This time Sean's prints weren't on anything in the house. Thank God.

I've been thrown around from person to person to try and be occupied and not think about what's going on. Ziva has been keeping a close eye on the gang. She says she didn't see anything suspicious or Sean. She follows some of them at night, but none of them are Whisk. They torment people at night and steal things. The most she can do is call the local police, so she doesn't blow her cover. When she did, she realized they didn't want to get involved. She called me after that.

"Melissa. Why don't the police in your town not care when someone is being beaten or robbery is happening?"

I hated my town before she could finish her question. "Because they know that they run it. They don't try to stop what they're doing. They don't want to waste tax dollars on it."

She spoke in Hebrew before she hung up the phone. I think she said every curse word she could think of before she called a different police department and got three boys in the gang in trouble. I didn't meet the people that got hauled in. I don't care to meet them.

I haven't seen Sean since he stalked me and Tim all the way to his apartment on his bike. Ziva says she hasn't seen him since he was in for questioning at NCIS. She's the one that has been camping outside their place 24/7. I think Gibbs sometimes goes to visit her and keep her company when he wants Tony to do something else.

Tim has kept Abby company while I've been everywhere but there. Gibbs doesn't even want me near the evidence because it might end bad for me. As if they are in the building or looking through the window to see what I'm doing. It bothers me so much, but I feel like I can't do anything. Gibbs never told me what he said we would talk about the day he sent me home. He's been trying to keep me busy with anything besides work while paying me. I'm not complaining just give me something to do.

The more I think about what could have happened to Sean, the faster I go. What if they found out he came to talk to me? What if they think he's ratting them out? I mean, giving us information. The longer we spend time on this case, the stronger I feel like I'm never going to get out of this town.

I'm lucky enough to spend every night with Tim. When I went back to my house to get my stuff, James didn't budge. I told him that I was staying at a friend's house for work. He said, "Okay see you when you get back."

It's hard to know how to feel when it comes to him. I was thinking, thank you for not asking because I didn't want to tell you to begin with. I also was thinking how do you not care why I'm staying at someone's house for as long as I am? It's bitter sweet. Beggars can't be choosers, I know. I was surprised when I had everything I wanted and was headed out the door. He shouted, "Be safe!" I froze. He was still in the green chair, watching the news. I said, "Sure thing." I was silent the whole ride to Tim's place. I wanted to think some of that fatherly instinct was kicking in and he decided to act on it. I can never be sure.

"Tony how have you been?" I don't want to think about this anymore. I think about it enough when I'm with Tim and I shouldn't be. I know he understands, but it's our time to be together. I don't want to be at his place because they're scared for my safety. I want to stay at his place because of us. Because we take the next step in our relationship. I'm not saying I want that now, but I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just mean I know we haven't been seeing each other long in time. It's just the way we spend that time I feel like I have known him forever.

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