Chapter 82

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It's been a great feeling being back at work and being able to work. I've been waking up excited about going to work for the first time in a long time. The first day back I walked right passed the squad room and straight to the lab. I didn't want anyone to be able to tell me that there has been a mistake and I have to be baby sat again.

Abby has been acting weird though. The first day she was surprised to see me. I told her why I was here, and she had a blank expression on her face. The rest of the day, every time I changed projects, she would ask me if I was okay. I would constantly tell her I was fine even though it wasn't the total truth.

I haven't seen Gibbs since I started working in the lab again. I haven't seen Tim either. I got a call the night that I left, and I ignored it. Something I would never do, but this time I did. The next day, I thought I would see him because he is usually up here with Abby, but he never showed up. He called me that night too and I answered. We just told each other that we were missed and asked about our days.

He told me he went to find Ziva to see if she should have tried another tactic. They didn't get much except they called the cops again because they robbed a house. Everyone in the house was found alive, and no marines occupied the home. I told him it was a good and bad thing because if they went in and the marine was already dead, that really wouldn't have been a victory. He agreed and asked me about my day. I told him I only saw Abby and went home. Nothing special happened unless you count trying to figure out why you can't get more prints off of things that people clearly touched. By people, I mean the gang.

When I get to Abby, she is in full work mode. The music is blasting, her goggles are on, and she has the squinty look on her face.

She doesn't even turn around to see me standing here. "There's a note for you on the table. I don't think I have to tell you who left it!"

I see the envelope with my name on it resting on the table. I open it as fast as I can because I didn't call him last night and he didn't call me. He might have still been with Ziva. I just was exhausted from being back in action that when I got home, I went straight to sleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I didn't have a missed call from anyone.

I open the envelope and there's a single note in there that reads, I miss you.

I know it's not the one he wrote be before because I have that one on my night stand at home. This one is just another to keep, but in my pocket so no one sees.

I go over to Abby after she is done squinting at a specimen through the microscope. "What's going on Abby?"

"Not much Peters, just trying to get more evidence that the gang is behind the two murders."

"No, I mean you. I haven't heard anything about your life in a long time. What' going on?"

We haven't had our talks in a long time. I miss that. Maybe I should have called her more while I needed a sitter. She was probably better off without me bugging her. I probably would have put her behind in the investigation.

"Not much." That's it? That's all I get?

She goes to pick up a box marked "GANG" filled with objects. I don't know how much is there but it's a lot.

"I'm trying to get any prints that match the one's on the door knobs on each place the marines were murdered." Her tone is normal, but I can sense there's a problem.

"Yeah, but I mean personal life. I haven't told you anything about what has been going on. I feel so lost when it comes to your life."

She rummages through the box without looking towards me. "I've been busy trying to figure out what has been happening in your town, with your gang."

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