Chapter 74

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Sitting in the back of the car with Tim doesn't phase me at all. The only thing I'm thinking is that driving is a waste of time. Knocking on doors is going to be a waste of time. I don't know who John Holds was, but if he had a problem with the people who accompanied Sean, there was no way he was coming out of that situation alive unless he obliged to do what they said. From the things I read on his record, it looked like he was a part of their gang. The possibilities of what happened keep going through my mind.

Gibbs has been looking back at me in the rear-view mirror ever since we got in the car. I don't look at him because I know what he's thinking.

"She lived here her whole life, that poor girl. She walked the street with these dangerous people, that poor girl. She has been hiding her feelings of being terrified, sad, more depressed as long as she can remember, that poor girl."

I just focus on all the houses that I have seen many times before. Whether I was in a car, walking, or running home.

Gibbs pulls up to this house that is wide but small in height. The white paint is chipping on the house. Some windows are dusty and haven't been touched in years. The mailbox on the house is titled, hanging by a thread. There are pieces of brick missing from the one stair they have leading to the door. There is a pile of bricks in the drive from a wall that used to be there. I remember this house. I just never knew who lived behind that door until now.

I almost wait for Tim to come to my side and open the door. Got used to that too quick. I rush out of the car as if everyone in the car can read my mind. I don't walk up to the house until someone is by my side. At first, I think it's going to be Tony since he was on my side of the car, but it ends up being Gibbs.

We walk up to the door, and he rings the doorbell.

I take in a breath as I knock on the door. I can feel all their eyes on me.

"Their doorbell doesn't work." It hasn't for a while. I remember walking pass this house at the time when UPS would come. There was never a sound made after they would ring it. One day, they came and pressed the bell and a woman in the house next to them was out walking her dog and shouted, "Their doorbell doesn't work, it never has! You have to knock!" I was walking too fast to stay and see who opened the door. I don't want to think of the idea that it could have been John. I could have recognized his picture on the computer when I saw him. I get chills when I think of the fact, I have probably passed him many times on the street, but I wasn't focused on him.

A blonde woman with bed head opens the door in her robe. I think we woke her up. "Who are you?"

The agents pull out their IDs. I just stand there like the cute accessory I am. "NCIS, we would like to talk to you about your son, John." She stares at Gibbs, still unphased by what he said. I think she's still tired.

"May we come in?"

She chuckles and smiles. "May you? Honey with those manners you can do anything you want to."

We walk into her house and stuff is everywhere. Clothes are on the floor, papers are scattered, with food and drinks everywhere. When we get to the kitchen the sink is filled with dishes, but the rest of the room looks better than the one we walked through. I think Tony stepped on something glass, but I don't turn around to check.

"Y'all want coffee? I didn't get a chance to start it since you woke me up."

They all say no as fast as they can. She turns to me, I just shake my head. The thought that we have crossed paths before is crazy to me. I could have seen her anywhere. I could have seen John anywhere.

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