Chapter 90

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My boys aren't as happy as they were when I was driving away from Sean's house. They've turned into babies who are whining and screaming.

I thought about getting them the hell out of town. I wanted to take them farther than Ziva and I went that one day. I wanted them to know that they didn't have to leave the friends that they just met to be protected.

I couldn't.

I couldn't do it because I knew that it wasn't the right thing to do.

I sat back while I drove away and thought, what good would come out of this?

The answer?


We would've drove until I ran out of gas and ended up at a cheap motel. My phone would be ringing because Gibbs would be calling, but I wouldn't answer.

It would hurt to see Tim call, but I still wouldn't answer. That would hurt the both of us and worse.

They would soon track my phone to find out where we are and come get us.

None of our time would be used productively. We would be worried and fighting over what the plan is. We wouldn't be focusing on the fact there would still be a chance that they'll leave no matter what we do and waste out time together.

It wasn't an easy decision to make, but I had to make it. The moment I was about to pass the third exit that would bring us back home, I took it.

I was shocked that I took it. They didn't know where we were going because they both don't drive. They haven't been around the area as much as I have.

When I got my car, I couldn't wait to just be able to drive away. I wanted to pack all my things, throw them in the back of my car, and start driving. There was something holding me back. I remember the feeling in my stomach when I was ready to do it. Clearly, I wasn't ready for it because the feeling caused me to drive around aimlessly. I decided then that my car is going to be used to get me out of here, but only for a while.

When they saw we were going back, they asked me what I was doing. I didn't say anything. I just picked up the speed. They asked me again. I kept increasing. They didn't bother asking a third time because I was already going through a red light. Something I hate that people do and can't believe I did it myself.

They were worried at first by the way I was driving. I just couldn't risk the opportunity of them risking the idea of them jumping out of the car. I'm still shook up from driving around carelessly.

When we got to the parking lot, they didn't say a thing at first. They were surprised I did the things that I did and did it all while staying silent. I couldn't say anything because I would have drove off the road.

I got out of the car and took as many of their belongings as I could.

They both got out, but Sean was the only one to approach me. "What are you doing."

He wasn't asking me to respond. He was demanding.

I tried to go around him, but he was too fast for me to pass. I didn't bother trying to push because I would have just fallen on my ass.

After doing a little dance, I finally gave in. "We're keeping you safe. Let's go."

"Really? You're agreeing with all that stuff their saying? What happened to doing this for us? What happened to not losing anymore time together? What happened to us?"

"Their will be an us when we finally get them and out them behind bars."

"Because that's been going so well."

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