Chapter Thirty Six

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The ride to the cabin was agonizing. I sat in the backseat. What didn't compliment the car was the awkward silence that filled the car the entire drive. Jimmy and Ducky didn't even fight over directions. Jimmy sat in the passenger seat while Abby kept me company in the back. Being the person that she is, she did point out unique street art and different types of people. She even tried to start a game of twenty questions. Jimmy only asked five questions until he gave up. She was thinking of a cloud.

"It is living?"


"Is it moving?"


"How is it moving if it isn't living?"

"Yes or no questions only Jimmy."

"Is it a car?"


That's how the game started and ended.

When we arrived at the cabin, no one was thrilled to get out the car. We saw the agents come around the other side of the cabin and get out of the car. I didn't think Ducky would beat them here, but I don't think anyone was in a huge rush to see each other. No one looked anyone in the eyes. All of our eyes wandered around the cabin looking for Gibbs.

When I think of Gibbs and the type of cabins he would like; this isn't the type of cabin that comes to mind. It looks more like a house that was freshly waxed. When we walked in there were two tables as if we were a bunch of Girl Scouts. We were welcomed by a huge kitchen that has two stoves, two microwaves, all the cabinets you could ask for, and all the appliances Ikea could offer.

Rooms were at the end of each side. One side for the boys and the other for the girls. Both rooms had two bunk beds and a bathroom. The one for the boys had an air mattress on the floor. They could have moved the one mattress us girls aren't using to their room, but no one is the mood to tell someone else what to do.

When Ziva, Abby, and I put our suitcases on our beds. We all give each other a look that was more uncomfortable than the ride here.

"I didn't think I kissed Jimmy."


"I thought I kissed Tony. I was just praying he didn't remember and he didn't because it wasn't him"

Abby sits next to Ziva on her bed and puts her arm around her.

"Did you want it to be him?"

"No Abby, she recalled kissing someone and just thought it was him because they woke up next to each other."

"Come on everyone let's go!"

Gibbs yells from the kitchen and we go to him after Ziva pulls herself together.

"We're going fishing get dressed."

We went back to our rooms and tried to find outfits close enough to be comfortable while fishing. If there is anything I am hoping for it is getting a boat with Ziva. She needs me right now and the way Tim looked back in the kitchen was lifeless. He was looking at the floor and not in the cute way. His mouth stayed flat and he didn't look up. I am worried about us because I don't know what's to come but Abby's words keep replaying in my head and I have to focus on Ziva.

We walk in a line with Gibbs leading the way. The walk wasn't too far. It was about a mile in November breeze. Usually around this time it starts to get in the twenty's but not this year. We are still in the forty's and I am thankful for it.

When we make it to the lake there are four row boats waiting for us. We all put on life jackets and I grab Ziva the second everyone starts to pick who they go with. Tony is with Tim, Abby is with Jimmy, and Ducky is with Gibbs.

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