Chapter 79

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"Melissa. Melissa? Melissa, wake up." When I open my eyes, Tim is standing over me while shaking me. My back is cold, and shoulder is sore.

It takes me a second to realize where I am. I was starting to get nervous because all I saw where white walls and him. I thought I was looking at him from the beyond or something. I didn't think I was going to fall asleep when I put my head down. With Ducky talking to John, and Jimmy making jokes; I thought too much was going on for me to rest.

It hurts to lift my body up from the table. "Where's Jimmy and Ducky?"

"They left. They said you looked tired all day that they didn't want to wake you. You looked too peaceful. I have to agree. I thought I was going to have to get sirens and Abby's choice of music to wake you up."

It's colder in here than I remember. When I remember Jimmy is gone, I remember he has a date tonight. I hope it goes well. It has to by the way he was acting. If I get sent back here the rest of my time, I won't mind if I get to see how happy Jimmy is. I don't think he mentioned it at all to Ducky today.

I don't think it's table talk when someone is on the table. Then again, I might have been asleep through most of it.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

We make it to the elevator. I just want to lay on the floor and not move. I would want Tim to stay, but I don't think he would think it's a good time.

"How could I when I knew you were mad at me?" I'm very blunt when I'm tired. I would do anything to be asleep again, so if I have to be brutally honest, I will.

When I mention him being mad at me, he does that thing that Gibbs did on my first day here. He stops the elevator from moving and the lights go out. Why is that button a thing? And why does this elevator have the perfect lighting to sleep?

"Do you have any idea how nervous I was when I saw him near you?" Tim isn't looking at me. He rather stare at the wall than at me. That hurts. He would rather stare at anything else, besides me. I felt that way yesterday, but towards Sean. I only looked at him because he was the target for my hands.

"Like, you rather be alone, then talk to me or be with me. When I left you alone, I came back to him making his way into my apartment. I was already so angry, that I didn't think when I saw him. I just reacted, I've never done that before."

What is he mad about? If we could address one thing at a time that would be great. I apologized for almost letting him in yesterday, so what more are we talking about here?

"Tim, I said I was sorry for letting him in. I know it was dumb, but he was there for me when I needed him most. I wanted to return the favor. I wasn't thinking when I let him in the door. Believe me, I wish you could have seen me a few minutes before, I was hitting him. I was."

I can't believe I let someone mess with my head. I should have known to ask him about his gang. I should have never made my way into the apartment. Image if his gang was there. What would have happened if they showed up? I would have put him in danger. I did put him in danger. He wouldn't have hit anyone if I wasn't being dumb. He wouldn't have let him into his house if I didn't know him.

"I know you did."

"What else did I do?" I want him to look at me. It's happening again. Him being so close, but I can't reach him. "Tell me what I did so I can apologize and never do it again."

He punches the wall of the elevator and my heart stops. I've never seen him like this. For once, I'm skeptical whether I should be alone with him or not. Look at me, I just need him to look at me and I'll know. I need those green eyes to know I'm here and all in. Please look at me.

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