Chapter Twelve

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"What's wrong?"

I'm driving 80mph on every road we get on. Luckily, we are now on the highway where if you're not doing 80mph then you're an asshole. Usually, I'm the asshole. This is the fastest I have ever driven, and my body is tense.

"Melissa the cops have your license plate now. They know you're with NCIS. They aren't going to mind that you're over the speed limit." He is trying to comfort me but this time it's not working.

"I don't have to carry a gun, do I?" I squeeze the steering wheel waiting for his answer.

"What? No, you don't need a gun."

"Because you know, all of you have guns and I don't. I know how to protect myself without one, but I don't have one? Am I supposed to?" I'm rambling but I can't help it. Being face to face with the murder is different than being face to face with the victim.

"We. Ziva, Tony, Gibbs, and I have guns. We aren't going to let anything happen to you."

"I know you guys won't. Even though it wouldn't be too bad. I'm only an assistant."

"You're a part of the team Melissa."

"Thank you, McGee that was sweet. With my luck I'm going to let something happen to myself."

"No Melissa I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

He puts his hand on my leg and it sends electricity through my body. My body doesn't know where to put it all so my foot presses against the pedal and we are now going 95mph. Somehow, it helps me, and my body relaxes. This is how I felt before when I was with him. When we were talking. I can't bring it up now, but I can think about it. No, I can't think about it because he is working. 

"You guys clearly know what you're doing." I try not to sound nervous, but I do the opposite.

"I sure hope so." He's back to smiling, I wish I could join him. I'm just trying to distract myself from my own thoughts.

"No, I mean it. The body was found yesterday, and we are already chasing the murder all the way to the Carolinas."

"Well, don't get too excited. Not all cases get done this fast. It helps that he was sloppy. Besides, we're not the only ones who got stuff done. You and Abby did your part and it's the reason we can do ours." He pulls out a laptop and starts to type. What doesn't he have in his bag?

"Also, Abby stayed late and is going over the evidence. She thinks she missed something."

Or I missed something. I can't think like that right now. I'm now at steady speed and I can share a smile with him. I want to ask about Abby and I might as well. Who knows if I am going to have another chance.

"Abby told me you two have a history."

He snaps his head to face me and his mouth drops. "Sh-sh-she did?" He's nervous now. I didn't mean to do that. He deserves it, he's been making me nervous all day and I don't know how.

"Yeah, she told me when I mentioned I was driving you home." I can see him getting tense. "She was sweet about it."

"Yeah, she's sweet." He turns towards the window and becomes quiet. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.


"Melissa, I know you're new and don't know a lot of what goes on here. But I-"

"Do you see that?"

His eyes follow mine and they squint. "See what?"

I speed up and get into the middle lane. There is a black sedan in the right lane with it's lights off. It looks like the car isn't even going the speed limit.

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