Chapter Twenty Four

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"Melissa," I can't focus on what Abby is saying. I was just told that I am going on a naval ship to figure out if there was an Al or an Alex on there. Is this what I signed up for? Why me? Why not Abby? She has been teaching me everything I need to know in the lab; I think I can handle it on land.

"can you please stop pacing you're making me dizzy and I just went about thirty rounds in the spinning chair." I can't.

Why are we going off a hunch an old friend of Gibbs has? Just because you know somebody doesn't mean you really know them. Everybody has their walls, everybody has their secrets, and everybody knows when to share or not share those secrets. All these questions are not going to get me the answer I want.

"Why me Abby? Why do I have to go?" I stop myself and lean over the evidence table.

My hands are over my eyes and I can hear the thud of boots and chains getting louder. I take my hands away from my face and Abby is in front of me.

"You haven't questioned Gibbs since you got here. What is the big deal?" Her eyes are trying to break down my walls. She wants to break me down and tell her all my secrets. I look at the wall which as leaf stickers on it with turkeys.

Wait, Thanksgiving is in four days. Jimmy and Tim were talking about something happening on Thanksgiving. Something that would involve Abby killing Jimmy if he didn't make it.

"You're so festive."

Abby comes over and hands me a paper turkey. "Here., I know you're new and probably have family plans. But your NCIS family wants to see you too." It was an invitation to Ducky's house on Thanksgiving. The invitation actually reads Ducky's house.

"If you can't go I un-"

"Abby, I will be there." A big grin appears on her face. "Hopefully." The grin slowly disappears. "Not because I have anything planned, believe me I don't. I just mean the fact that I am going on a ship and might not come back in time. Is that a thing? Do they ever come back at a decent time? The same day maybe?"

"Peters." Tony walks in with two bags for me to fill with things I think I will need to bring. Abby looks at him and grabs him by the collar and brings his face inches away from hers.

"Anthony DiNozzo! As you know this Thursday is Thanksgiving. You know how important that day is for me." Tony is shaking his head; pretty sure it's because he can't breathe. "You and the other two amazing agents get your butts back here on time for that day or so help me I will give you the last pick of the food that day."

It's a weird threat but if it works it works.

"So, you help Melissa with whatever she needs okay?" She releases Tony, pats him on the head, and leaves the lab.

Tony hands me the bags and I can't get the shock expression off my face.

"She takes holidays very seriously." We take seats in front of the computer. I look around the room trying to figure out what to bring on the ship. I don't have a clue what I'm supposed to pack. Abby knows what to do; she always does.

"Abby can fill the bags for you."

I let out a light laugh, and my shoulders drop. Tony puts a hand on my leg and leans to me. "It's okay not to know everything just yet. That's what we are here for."

Every time I am with Tony, I feel like I have known him my entire life. There is just something about him that makes me know everything is going to be fine. I don't know if it was Abby, or he heard our conversation, or it's all over my face that I am nervous. Whatever it was I am glad he sensed it because that's all I wanted to hear.

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