Chapter 51

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When we woke up this next morning, we were glad to get a phone call from Gibbs informing us that we don't have to come in. We are allowed to go straight home. It was seven o'clock when he called. I tip toed my way to the door to see if anyone was in the hallway. I made my way to the boy's room and waited for Tim to come out. He walked out dressed in his pajamas and we knocked on the door. We knocked because Tim forgot his key. We were hoping that by seven Tony would be back and not have noticed that Tim wasn't there. We were hoping he would be fast asleep, and we would slip Tim in. After we knock a third time, we hear the elevator door open. We freeze and just stare at each other. At this time, I realize that I am still in the robe. Tony makes his way to us and scrunches his face.

"Why are you guys out here?"

"When Tim left the room, he forgot his key." Thank God, for quick thinking and the truth.

"Of course, he did." Tim gives Tony a look and he smiles. He takes out his key and opens the door. "You're lucky I was out because I probably wouldn't have opened it."

"How was your night Tony?" I try to create a diversion from this topic.

He chuckles. "Peters, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

I look at Tim and try to hide my smile. Tim walks in the room behind Tony. Tony comes back out in the hall.

"Peters. That robe you're wearing, it suits you." Tim pulls him back in the room as they shut the door.

After we all gather our things, we checked out of the hotel and made way for the car. We pick up coffee and make our way home. I know all three of us could have stayed there another day. Since that isn't an option, we all just want to be home. Tony goes on his way after picking up coffee because he has his car. Tim and I took the long way home. He drove, and we stopped at a store if we thought it looked interesting. Then, we stopped for lunch at a cute diner. It wasn't far from home, but it was really cute. We talked more about each other and we were having a blast. One thing I learned is Tim doesn't like pickles. I was able to eat his and I'm not talking about the one under the table. He drops me home and says he will call me later. I tell him I might not answer, this time being because I am tired and for the first time in forever, want to take a nap.

This morning, I wake up to my alarm following a call from Ziva. She informs me that we have off until New Year's Day. It reminds me of school, except school didn't pay me when I didn't show up. School didn't pay me at all. It's nice that we are going to be paid to stay home and celebrate the holiday.

Ziva and I meet at this cute coffee shop at the park. We get our coffee and walk around. It is only cold out when the wind blows, but when it stops, and the sun is on us, it is so comfortable.

"Congratulations on Toby. I heard you were the one to get Hayley to talk."

"I guess I'm a good listener."

"Your guess is right." Ziva always seems as if something is bothering her. The moment she is able to forget whatever it is, she takes it and runs.

"You alright, Ziva?"

"I'm just glad to have a break. I love you guys but sometimes-"

"Sometimes you even need a break from your family."

She smiles and shakes her head. "Exactly."

"Do me a favor, though."

Her eyes squint when she looks at me. "Don't take too long of a break. Sometimes, if you are gone long enough, it is hard to come back."

"Are you saying you wouldn't have me back?"

"If you ever take a break, I will always take you back when you're ready. It's just that some people think they are ready to come back, and they never do."

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